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Date Posted: 11:15:43 10/19/04 Tue
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Sarah is right
In reply to: former 's message, "Small Sample of Brian's Evasions, Strawmen...etc" on 10:56:32 10/19/04 Tue


You are exactly right in what you said. This guy has not said even one thing that should be relied upon. Everything that Brain has put on this website has been a deception, a lie, a distortion, a denial, etc. It is designed to keep you from making informed decisions about ubf.

He claims he is willing to 'discuss' anything, but if you look at what he writes he is not discussing anything. He just denies, lies, deceives, etc. His communicating cannot be considered discussion, it is evasion. Sarah is right.

Here is a very good article on deceptive communicating, I think Brian is practicing this exclusively. Take a look at this article


Brain does not confirm anything that anyone has said on this board. He is talking past the discussion topics and then responding with evasive, ubf supporting half truths. My observation is that he is trying to throw out some Bible verses, and then buttress ubf by saying that ubf is perfectly obeying the Bible verse he just quoted. But everything we know says that ubf is not obeying the Bible verses. Everythign we know says that ubf is obeying men's ideas, not Bible verses.

Brian doesn't mind telling lies if we are willing to let him. He is engaging in very high level deceptive communnication. Read the article and judge for yourself.

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