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Date Posted: 13:49:09 01/31/05 Mon
Author: Nick T.
Subject: what kind of agenda when they pioneer?
In reply to: visitor 's message, "Re: How beautiful" on 21:10:28 01/30/05 Sun

I must disagree with the poster and with visitor. And the basis for the disagreement is fundamental to understanding ubf 'pioneering'.

When they start a new chapter, they want to pretend they have a totally new clean slate, that all their abusive ways of the past never existed. I can tell you for sure that if visitor's father is a staff member from Chicago, then he conducted himself in a very dishonest, ubf centered way in all matters. I can tell that this man was controlled by very corrupt Chicago leaders, who taught him how to use deception to to keep the unsuspecting sheep off guard.

If you are really involved in ubf pioneering, the way it will work is that your father will behave in a decent manner for now, mainly because he has NO RECRUITS. Because of no sheep, he is bound to appear very humble, sincere, etc. But if he ever starts to attract recruits, then the ubf machinations will begin. Untill then, if he ever gets any recruits, it will be only a time of love bombing, saying sweet nothings in the ears of students, buying or serving many cheap meals, etc, etc, etc.

So enjoy it while you can. There are also expectationson your old man to have a group assembled within a couple of years, or he will be denigrated by the corrupt ubf leaders as unfruitful.

To tell you the truth, everybody who gets away from ubf, esp. away from the corrupt leaders in Chicago, feel much better and normal. I think visitor is experiencing the benefit of getting away form ubf, not a benefit of staying in ubf.

One sad result part is that your father was not taught healthy ways, so unless he really drops the ubf ways, he will be very limited in his 'ministry' no matter how much time he spends. perhaps he could learn the Bible correctly and healthy ministry forman outsider? Otherwise, I predict it will be another in a 30 year history of ubf pioneering failure in the USA. An even sadder result is when a new recruit gets caught up in ubf, isolated from family and friends, wasting alot of opportunities because of ubf, wasting ten years to find out ubf is a set-up, not at all what it claims to be. That is the saddest result of ubf.

My advice is to leave ubf and get into a real Christian ministry. They are everywhere. God bless you.

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  • Re: How beautiful? -- ChicagoXile, 14:05:22 01/31/05 Mon

  • From Beautiful to Ugly -- ChicagoXile, 08:39:28 02/01/05 Tue

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