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Date Posted: 16:53:39 01/31/05 Mon
Author: human
Subject: dark message...


The title of the message is, “Jesus is the light of the world.” The passage on which the message is based is John 8:12-30. I can agree with the author that the point of the passage could be that Jesus is the light of the world. However, as he develops his message, his message seems to go astray from the point that Jesus is the light of the world. Instead of developing his message around the theme, he seems to try to develop the strange theology of “don’t feel” and “don’t think.” In fact the main point of the message doesn’t seem to be “Jesus is the light of the world.” It seems rather that “don’t feel” and “don’t think” is the main point of the message. Now that is not the light according tothe passage. When you “don’t feel” and “don’t think”, what do you call that? You should call that darkness. If you “don’t feel” and “don’t think”, you are in darkness. You don’t have light and you are not in light when you “don’t feel” and “don’t think.” You are in perfect darkness. Therefore the message starts with light and leads to complete darkness and he justifies the theology of “don’t feel” and “don’t think” through the Bible passage. How is it that the UBF message ends up in darkness when Jesus is the light of the world? It is maybe that the author of the message doesn’t have light but darkness. I am not sure if the author of the message is trying to preach light or darkness. He insists that we should accept something. Accept darkness or light? Or maybe he is trying to say that we should accept light by throwing ourselves into complete darkness? The message is superficial on this point.

When we read the passage John 8:12-30, it is very much evident that Jesus is the light of the world. Therefore the message should have strictly concentrated on the fact that Jesus is the light of the world. If the author had focused on the light of Jesus, he would have never reached “don’t feel” and “don’t think.” Instead he would have reached the conclusion of how to use feeling and thinking in the light of Jesus. You have light when you feel and think in light. In fact that is what Jesus taught in the previous passage when he was confronted with murderous religious leaders and saved the poor woman. Jesus shows us how to feel and think in his light. Jesus showed us that condemnation is not to feel and think in his light. The author of the message also should have taught his audience how to feel and think in the light of Jesus. You cannot teach that through “don’t feel” and “don’t think.”

Now then why did the author of the message end up preaching darkness when the passage from John 8:12-30 is about light? Obviously he was not focusing on the theme of the passage. What was he focusing on then? Based on his message, it is obivous he was focusing on developing the theology of “don’t feel” and “don’t think” which is darkness and evidently that is not what the passage teaches. Maybe the message is motivated by church politics and administration. When the message is not purely motivated by the gospel truth but church politics, no matter how much one struggles the gospel truth will never be conveyed. The only thing that can overcome darkness is light. No one can overcome darkness by darkness. However, the author of the message is trying to help people see light by throwing a dark cloud over them that is the dark theology of “don’t feel” and “don’t think.” Instead he should completely focus on the light of Jesus but not on the politics of darkness, if he doesn't want to lead people astry into darkness.

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