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Date Posted: 01:30:21 02/01/05 Tue
Author: Unworthy (Definition of Love)
Subject: Re: The standard
In reply to: Mike K. 's message, "The standard" on 14:32:16 01/27/05 Thu

I completely agree, it is a salvation through grace, not by works. Yes I completely do agree. But what about this?

Matthew 7:21
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

We know it is by grace we are saved, but it is the act of believing and having faith that this is initiated, and if indeed you TRULY believe, you should naturally do his will, because the Holy Spirit is within you, and of course it takes some sacrifice on your part, to resist evil, and thus this is the will of God isn't it? The whole point of ministry is to spread the joy and the word of God, because of what he has done for us right? And we naturally do want too right? and so this is the his will am i not correct? By grace we are saved, not by acts, but doing his will, that is something that is done by believing, and thus we should strive to be perfect duh.

We are all imperfect.. duh then.. being saved.. is not an excuse to sin now is it.. I cannot perceive a Jesus who allows us to sin constantly with no regrets. I cannot picture Jesus who would let us commit the evilist and vilest acts constantly with no regrets. I think taht we must repent. And repenting means to stop what you're doing and do a 180 degree turn from the sin to goodness, this in turn, is God's will is it not? WOW, i actually taught myself sumthing, I hope you got something from this too.

So, in fact.. is reaching out to ppl a sin? Actually it is a command. and you might counter that it is for the wrong motives. If people try to reach out to others in an effort to gain some uh.. spiritual giant reward stuff, duh, it's bad, but I don't think that's the motive, cuz I know MANY UBFers, who have sincere intent, and um.. don't really want rewards like that.. cuz they're not really related much to leadership anyhow.. so your arguments are indeed flawed and outdated.

Yes, we, too, are imperfect. But at least we admit it and repent for that - instead of using it as an excuse to avoid repentance.

I'm glad you do :) And so do UBFers, more than you know. I personally do that all the time, and so do the whole multitude. That's.. uh.. what the whole ministry is based on.. isn't it? And so they do, before my eyes, crying.

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