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Date Posted: 19:22:10 02/01/05 Tue
Author: Joe Chung
Subject: Re: I met Christ
In reply to: UBF "second gen" 's message, "I met Christ" on 17:13:12 02/01/05 Tue

>Well, a lot has changed in UBF over the past couple of

What specifically has changed?

>I do have to admit that there were a lot of
>strange, shameless things going on when DSL was
>leading UBF.

It is big of you to admit this. But who else but you admits this?

>But then again, does it mean that the
>whole church is corrupted? I don't know...I think the
>bad stuff that happened was not cuz of the church, but
>because of individual people's human thinking and
>sinful nature. We shouldn't talk bad about UBF as a
>whole. THere are people who really want to serve God
>and who really love JEsus. And don't say that I've
>been "brainwashed" because that's just ridiculous. I'm
>being truthful. I met Christ through "devotionals" led
>by Sh JD, and that really revolutionized CBF and JBF,
>and UBF as a whole. CBF is not just a superficial
>bible study thing anymore; JBF/HBF is amazing...we are
>reaching out to high school students in Chicago like
>never before to meet Christ. College ministry is also
>so blessed.

Sorry, but I have to take almost anything that a UBF 2ndgen says nowadays with a grain of salt, especially descriptions of UBF success and "work of God."

>The thing is, I know many people are angry at DSL and
>at leaders in UBF; but it's not the same anymore.

Again, how is it specifically not the same anymore?

>course you cannot shrug it off; that'd be ridiculous
>for me to tell you to do so. I'm saying that you
>should just trust in God...he works only for good.

I think you're contradicting yourself here.

>don't blame the whole church; it is the individual
>people's faults for certain things that happened.
>People are meeting Christ; I even helped my friends
>come to Christ at school. But when they read about the
>things you write, they are swayed.

If they came to Christ, then why is it a problem that they are "swayed" (away from UBF)?

>I'm not saying that
>they should attend UBF because it is the perfect
>church; that's stupid. I'm saying it messes up their
>spiritual lives. ANd you cause them to sin.

So if they are warned about UBF, it causes them to sin?

>My friend
>was growing a lot spiritually and getting to know more
>about Jesus, but then now she doesn't want to explore
>Christianity anymore because of the stuff she read
>online. THat's one life that could have been saved.

So the gospel that you were giving her, if you were giving her the gospel at all, was so tied up with UBF involvment that she equated Christ with UBF?

Before there was any Internet information about UBF, UBF was turning hundreds and maybe thousands of people off to any further exploration of Christianity, without any help from its critics, simply by abusing them spiritually. Heck, my own faith was almost a casualty of UBF.

>ONE LIFE. so precious. And it infuriates and saddens
>me, because you don't even know the awesome stuff
>thats been happening in UBF.

Maybe you shouldn't have invited her to UBF, or tied the gospel so much to UBF involvment, or maybe UBF needs fixing. Some things to think about before you go off and yell at the UBF critics.

>And you probably are
>thinking that UBF doesn't teach the Word of God, but
>something else. Wrong. Don't tell me that I have not
>met Christ. Don't tell me that the Holy Spirit that
>breaks me down to tears of repentance and joy during
>worship and prayer is not the Holy Spirit. Don't tell
>me that love that I experienced through the blood of
>Jesus is not real.

But the problem, you see, is that the arranged and controlled marriage practice is also real. The isolation of UBF recruits from their families is also real. Systematic obedience training is also real. The expulsion from the NAE is also real. And several other problems that your friend purportedly read about on the Internet are also real. If you had been honest and up front with your friend before she found out about UBF on her own, there may have been a different result.

>All churches have imperfections; there are no perfect
>churches because people are sinners, and yes, leaders
>are sinners. You are sinners too. Just remember what
>Christ did for you. And let people meet Christ through
>the work that God does in people, even people like me,
>in UBF.

Can you say Christ without mentioning UBF in the same paragraph? Maybe that's the problem.

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