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Date Posted: 15:13:01 02/02/05 Wed
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Shepherding abuse and miracle healings
In reply to: PECAS 's message, "The shepherd and sheep relationship" on 15:50:50 02/01/05 Tue

> There was a
>young man who was very selfish. But he did not feel
>selfish. So he did not think he was selfish. One day
>his shepherd told him, "You are selfish. Repent." But
>he thought, "No, shepherd, you just don't understand
>me." Then his shepherd asked him to look objectively
>at his behavior. He was eating very regularly while
>his roommate was often going hungry. He was steadily
>gaining weight, while his roommate was getting more
>and more skinny. He saw this with his eyes, but he was
>still not convinced that he was selfish because he did
>not feel selfish. However, since his shepherd was so
>intensely trying to help him, he decided to accept his
>shepherd's words by faith for the sake of their
>relationship. After doing so, his spiritual eyes began
>to open. He could see clearly that he was a very
>selfish sinner. It was the beginning of his healing."

I'd like to add to PECAS' analysis of this passage. I think it is very indicative of the kind of spiritual manipulation that UBF leaders employ. Actually, my chapter director employed a similar tactic with me. My chapter director had a problem when I came to UBF. I was a morally upstanding guy to start off with. I'm not claiming that I was sinless or anything, nor am I trying to boast. I just happen to be that type of person by nature. Thus, not finding anything glaring that he could use to guilt-trip me, he invented a "sin problem" for me. By coincidence, it happened to be "selfishness."

My chapter director tried to pound into me the idea that I was very selfish during abusive testimony and message "training." For instance, he had me do a message based on Jesus' calling of Matthew. He told me Matthew's problem was selfishness. He tried to draw parallels between me and Matthew to cause a "miracle" to occur in me. In my message he had me say something like, "Do you know how selfish I am? I have studied Bible with Missionary X for three years. Every time we meet he gives me cookies and soda. But in all those years, I never gave him anything." Thus, my "selfishness" problem appears out of thin air. Later in the message, of course he had me say something like, "I used to be the most selfish sinner, but now I have made a decision to follow Jesus and give my time to fishing and feeding twelve sheep." There is the "miraculous healing."

Basically what UBF shepherds do is they invent a "sin problem" for their sheep, and then set up a miraculous healing or conversion event. Probably the young man mentioned in the Chicago message was no more selfish than the average man. The talk about the skinny roommate reeks of falsification, exaggeration and loaded language. The young man was set up and deceived by his shepherd because his shepherd wanted to train him to obey.

I'd also add that people that come into UBF with real sin problems are usually not helped, because UBF does not care. Rather, UBF will invent a fake "sin problem" for that person and proceed to work on a fake spiritual healing.

Anonymous ex-UBFer

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