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Date Posted: 01:46:35 01/27/05 Thu
Author: Definition of Love
Subject: How beautiful

Even if it is several teachers are corrupt, it is inevitable. We all know this is human nature.Still, that does not justify condemning and generalizing all of them so.

What I see here is a group of imperfect people trying their best to save lives and the utmost best intentions ready to sacrifice anything, however the issue of leadership I still cannot conclude. Nevertheless, as all humans are fallible, their effort is notable. Most people in UBF are good people if not great. Their intentions are highly noble, although it is possible they are misled by someone, which I still cannot conclude to.
Nonetheless, through my experience with people in and out, both sides are passionate and I can empathize with both. Although I am not familiar with Samuel Lee's tactics and trainings and even though I think they are as absurd as many of you do, I still cannot dismiss them in this manner. For many times I have seen true genuine compassion and love in their hearts, however you say they do not, and generalize them to be evil. They do much to help, that is definitely true. If not the leader, the mass, the people that make up the church, they can definitely be noted on their desire to help. They have no other motive, common shephards and missionaries, even if they manipulate you, what have they to gain? Power and prestige? Hardly. Maybe the leaders can gain something, but the common shephard is pouring out his heart and go out of his own way for his sheep. Many sheep do not often see the tribulations faced by the common shephards and missionaries, these sincere people who only wish to reach out to the pained and afflicted of the world. You cannot deny that. Many men and women in the UBF ministry are sincere in their desire to help the lost. I know that you too know the feeling when looking at the pained people in this world who have no need to be pained. And so that is the premise of apostleship. To carry out Jesus' command to save these people.

I can understand that maybe the UBF leader wasn't so great, but the people who are there, have the best intentions, and there are many other leaders who are sincerely devoted to God and God alone. There is no Earthly glory in this ministry, and if not the Glory of God, then what is the purpose of this? Why do these shephards sacrifice so much and deny themselves for the sheeps' sake? Are they deluded? Maybe some, but then their inner desire to help and a sincere heart to study the Word as it is justifies their cause. I have personnally not witnessed any other people who spend as much time studying the Bible besides proffessional theologians. These people devote every single minute of their free time alone to read the Word and try with their own hearts to find God, not through the heart of Samuel Lee. Sure many people could have used him as a guide, however, the true inner desire is there, and as said by Jesus himself, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." As long as their intentions are pure, they will see truth. I admit it is possible that there are some corrupt people in UBF, however, do not generalize! Because the works of the common shephards and missionaries have moved me, and their genuine love and purity cannot be denied.

You may see it as a cult, it could be, but as long as their is a sincere and earnest intent to find God, it shall be done.

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