Date Posted:00:54:13 02/06/05 Sun Author: carbon-based lifeform Subject: Re: soliciting "human's" opinion In reply to:
's message, "a kid changed....." on 23:15:36 02/02/05 Wed
>hey guys
>read my testimony at
>and tell me if you think it is bad if I stay in ubf?
If he's (or she's) willing, I'd like the poster known as "human" to comment on this UBF member's "testimony."
My comments:
* I am supposed to read a supposed Christian "life testimony" and use it to judge whether you should stay in a certain group? The poster's gist seems to be that UBF has "changed the kid". I know that the UBF reflexive response will be something like, "Christ changed me THROUGH UBF," but by tying your supposed life change to UBF so closely, you have already allowed UBF to steal credit that should be given to Christ alone.
* There are probably many, much more compelling radical life-change testimonies out there, e.g. stories of alcolholic wife abusers and horrendous addicts turning their lives around, credited to all kinds of "-isms": Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses-ism, Moon-ism, AA-ism, Islam-ism, 12 Step-ism. A life change itself is not enough to validate a movement or group by Christian standards.