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Date Posted: 15:53:31 07/09/04 Fri
Author: Nick T.
Subject: strategy of destroying relationships
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: Tradegies in UBF: Abandon Your Child" on 15:02:54 07/09/04 Fri

Evreyone should please read the report to which Chris provided the link. This report is very descriptive of the way corrupt ubfleaders set out to destroy all the normal relationships a person should have. In their place ubfleaders create very one-sided, domineering relationships for themselves. Notice how the corrupt PChang Bonn insists on being closer to the children than their own parents! And of course the standard ubf strategy of the wife being closer to the director than to her own husband. There is no denying it, thisis a ubf institution. What a devious guy PChang Bonn is. He leanred it from EE Chang Woo.

Please read that report. Susanna did a tremendous job of describing how ubf destroyed normal relationships and also prhoibited the families from having any kind of healthy life whatsoever. These are the very thigns which must be broadcast about ubf. These are the very reason ubf is a destructive cult, they destroy people and families and relationships. Then they replace them with sick, dependent relationships which corrupt ubfleaders use to abuse all the recruits.

Shame on you PChang Bonn.

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