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Date Posted: 09:50:24 10/28/04 Thu
Author: Mike K,.
Subject: Mark 3 again
In reply to: Brother in Christ 's message, "Re: New thread on doctrine" on 09:23:05 10/25/04 Mon

Reference passage is Mark 3: 7-35
Then what was the purpose of Jesus¡¯ Discipleship ministry? Look at vs. 14-15. ¡°He appointed twelve-designating them Apostles – That he might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.¡± Jesus appointed twelve and designated them apostles. Disciples and apostles. What is the difference between disciples and apostles? Disciples are students. The word disciple came from the word discipline, or training. Disciples are those who receive training. An apostle means 'one sent' Look at vs. 14b-15. Jesus wanted to train his disciples and send them out to preach with authority. Jesus had a vision to teach and train these twelve to grow as Bible teachers, disciple-makers and spiritual leaders. At the end of Mark's gospel, Jesus commissioned them to go out into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
Jesus had a vision that he would carryout world mission through these twelve disciples. There was a multitude of people following Jesus. There might be many good believers among them. But unless they were trained and able to teach, God¡¯s work could not continue. Jesus had a vision that through this discipleship training, world mission could be carried on to all the world, and throughout the generations. Therefore success of Jesus¡¯ work depended on the discipleship ministry. We are called to do discipleship ministry among students. We should have a clear goal to raise up spiritual leaders as we teach. It is not easy to raise up even one disciple, but we should keep praying and challenge to overcome doubt. If each of us can raise up one shepherd or shepherdess in your life time, I regard your life as a disciple-maker as successful, because your work of God can be carried on God fruitfully. Through discipleship ministry, the work of God continues from generation to generation. This is the importance of discipleship ministry.

Look at the attempt to be a professional linguist.
"disciple" derived from "discipline", meaning "training"?
Let's take it apart:
That's a linguistical analysis of a Latin phrase. A disciple is a "person who is learning from someone".
Disciple of Jesus = person learning from Jesus.

Not "a person who needs to be disciplined, or trained, by" another.
There was the word "disciple" mentioned in the verse, and now we can get off to a huge trip on why we need training... yeeha. Where's that in the original?

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