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Date Posted: 14:03:14 10/28/04 Thu
Author: Mike K.
Subject: More linguistic fantasy: John1
In reply to:
Mike K,.
's message, "Mark 3 again" on 09:50:24 10/28/04 Thu
John1 message from UBF:
Look at verse 40. "Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus."
After meeting Jesus personally, Andrew was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah and the Savior of the world. Something great happened in Andrew's heart. And in Andrew's heart joy overflowed. He could not keep this to himself. So he first found his brother Simon and told him, "We have found the Messiah," (that is, the Christ). It was not easy to bring his brother to Jesus. But Andrew went first to his brother Simon and witnessed that he found the Messiah.
Andrew was known as a vague man in the gospel narratives. But he saw in Jesus the Messiah. What a great discovery he had made. He said, "We have found the Messiah." We are not sure if Peter was Andrew's younger brother or older brother. But he is the one who brought Simon to Jesus. It was Andrew who brought 5 loaves and 2 fish to Jesus who fed the five thousands. Andrew did not have a lot of Bible knowledge but he had enough faith to bring his brother
Simon to Jesus. That's all we need to invite our friend to Jesus.
First interesting part: we don't need to know the Bible to bring people to Jesus. Yes, while really to bring people to Jesus, we only need to bring them to Jesus (who is revealed in the Bible) - to be Bible teachers on the other hand, I assume it would be necessary to know the Bible...
Like Andrew, we must come to Jesus and see him until we can confess, "We have found the Messiah!" Next, Andrew brought Simon to
Jesus. When Andrew brought his brother Simon to Jesus, Jesus did not pay attention to Andrew anymore. But he was greatly interested in Peter and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas" (which meant a rock or Peter). At this time, Peter was full of fish smell and looked like the sailor in the movie, "Uncommon valor."
Interesting, how would they know that? How can UBF know what a fisherman looked like in the days of Jesus? Most of them were simple folks and you wouldn't smell them 5 miles against the wind, and they probably didn't look tattered.
UBF takes glee in displaying what kind of scum fishermen were - please note that a fisherman with their own house and boat was a well-respected person at that time, like middle-class is today!
But Jesus was in him the hope of God. Simon means "sand" but Cephas "a rock."
According to any Names dictionary I could find, "Simon" means "He that listens/obeys" - not "sand". A linguistical masterpiece to prove the point, yet totally absurd, and simply false.
So much for merely listening to what the Bible says: if "listening = sand" then probably "World Mission = chocolate cake"... sorry for the irony.
> Simon was emotional like a shifting sand. But Jesus believed that he would become a solid rock where he would
build his church. Jesus saw Simon's potential to become a great man of God. In Jesus everyone has potential. When Jesus paid attention only to Peter, Andrew didn't complain, because he had the Messiah in his heart.
Hmm where do we find that Jesus neglected Andrew? This passage is merely a justification for abuse and neglect, the typical "look upon Jesus" excuse which we also commonly find in Totalist Aberrant Christian Organizations.
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