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Date Posted: 20:36:43 11/29/04 Mon
Author: PECAS
Subject: Re: Mark 1:35...
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: Mark 1:35..." on 05:19:50 11/28/04 Sun

There are also people who have problems waking
>up early in the morning and would be tired the whole
>day. This is not a matter of the strength of your
>will, but of personal disposition. Some people need
>more sleep, some less, some are early birds, some
>night owls. Everybody has to find out what is best for
>him. But UBF tries to fit everybody in the same mold.

In UBF, the chapter director makes everyone fit into his mold. The daily prayer meetings are always at the convience of the chapter director. If the director works, than morning prayer is early enough so that he does not have to rush to work. If the prayer meeting is at night, the director makes sure that the meeting occurs at a time when he will not have to rush from work. The shepherds and sheep are the ones who have to rush to work to be on time or rush out of their workplace to be on time for the prayer meeting.
If the director does not work, than the imposition on the other UBF coworkers is even worse because the full-time chapter director often does not have any concern for the work schedules and the time needed to take care of children. They simply set a time and expect everyone else to make whatever arrangements are necessary to adjust their lives to the convience of the director. For about one year, my director thought that all members should come to the church to pray for three hours every morning. He did not work, but everyone else worked, had young children, or went to school. My director showed little concern. He devoted space in his message to state that we needed to repent and be faithful to early morning prayer everyday. Even the missionaries complained that his demand that everyone come to pray for three hours every morning was too much. Eventually, my director stopped pushing early morning prayer for three hours because no one showed up.
I have found that in my UBF, most people did not want to have a rigid absolute requirement to come to the prayer meeting every morning. However, we did not say anything because they do not want to appear unspiritual. We simply
repented every Friday for not coming to the early morning prayer meeting. It was a continuous cycle of not showing up because we wanted to have more flexible prayer time and in our hearts not believing that it was necessary to have rigid absolute prayer time everyday, but repenting for not showing up because we did not want to be rebuked because the director would think that we were unspiritual because we did not want to submit to a rigid absolute prayer time.

In Christ,


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