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Date Posted: 10:09:27 11/30/04 Tue
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Re: Mark 1:35...
In reply to: PECAS 's message, "Re: Mark 1:35..." on 20:36:43 11/29/04 Mon

It is not only a phenomena of the top ubfleadership. In my case, my former ubfwife would leave our house every morning to meet with just two old ubfKoreans at 6:30. I had no idea what they were doing, as she never came back before 8:30, though the meeting place was just two blocks away. She had no time constraints, as she refused to ever work for our family. The leader of this meeting was ubfKorean and board member Dr. Joung James in Chicago. This meeting went on for many years.

The ubfins claimed that this early meeting became a cource of prayer power. Actually, the three prayer servants never had any recruits, almost never brought anyone to any meeting. But they didn't count that as a failure. They just told themselves they were doing something so great and that God was blessing them.

At our house, the immediate result was the five children were never fed breakfast by their mother, they were expected to make do with cold cereal every day. She did not care if they were fed, dressed, washed, had all their homework, or how they would get to school. And when a child was in diapers and wanted to be fed or changed, his ubfmother was nowhere to be found. And of course, this pattern repeated itself all day and night around the ubf meetings schedule, week after week, year after year. She actually did leave small children by themselves many, many times over the years.

In my opinion, this habit of getting up early and neglecting the family, in the name of God's work, this became her first act of every day. It gave birth to an attitude that her family was not important, and eventually a hindrance to her great work for God. So in a short time, the pattern of life was to abandon children to attend whatever ubf meeting she could, tha thtis ws really God's will for her. I can show this in the contents of many old tesimonies she wrote and shared at the Sammule Lee Monday staff meeting.

As any normal person would agree, the ubf pattern is not the Bible formula for raising a family. And the Bible does not give any justification for a mother to treat her family like this.

And again, they started with a Bible verse and cliamed they were literally imitating Jesus Christ himself.

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