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Date Posted: 06:28:47 12/05/04 Sun
Author: Mike K.
Subject: What was modern once...
In reply to: Anonymous 's message, "Ban on secular or modern music" on 17:30:25 12/04/04 Sat

UBF's ban on modern music reminds me of the fanaticism of some extreme fundamentalist Christian groups. It has no scriptural basis whatever.

It gets even more ridiculous when "classical" overtures with clearly carnal intentions (such as "The Entertainer") are being made part of the SWS when clearly meaningful Christian rap songs are frowned upon.

Those things that were "modern" at Mozart's (a clearly carnal man as proven by his lifestyle) time is now "classical" and as such acceptible.

One thing of note: the Orchestra and instrumental pieces in the UBF SWS are quite a decent display of UBF's ignorance regarding the Bible's teachings.
After all, the first instrument was created by... guess who? A descendant of Cain, of the bloodline that went totally decadent and evil. Music became man's entertainment instead of God at that time. Instrumental pieces, if played merely for entertaining purposes, are a tribute to the acts of Cain. Guess why none of the Psalms is purely instrumental? Because they'd always have a mesage, a prayer, attached - not so "The Entertainer" (one of Chang's favorite pieces).

By the way, this isn't happening in UBF alone, many other fundamentalistic Christian groups follow that pattern also even though it's totalliy ludicrous: Paul encouraged the Saints that each bring a hymn (and that doesn't mean a 200-year old thing or something written to entertain a lady so that you can make out with her) to the Church gathering.
The Overcomers in Revelation "sing a new song" (wonder whether that's classical? )

As for me, whenever any form of music lets me turn my heart to God, I enjoy that music - regardless of whether this music is classic, rap, metal, techno or whatnot.
Though I will admit that classical music tends to offer a higher relaxation factor.

In Christ,
Mike K.

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