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Date Posted: 16:06:43 01/26/05 Wed
Author: Nick T.
Subject: another aspect of this message
In reply to: human 's message, "blind message..." on 02:18:17 01/21/05 Fri

I read that message several times, had somevery general remarks.

First, that passage is not a prominent passage by any means. I took a short survey of reputable Christian speakers, and none had a message based solely on that passage. To me, the meaning of the passage is that it fulfills a part of OT prophecy about Jesus, and that is about it. ubf is trying to say here that this event was a kind of 'showdown' with the masses, and the masses failed to believe in Jesus because they were corrupt. No mention of that the people totally disrupting their lives to participate in the holy feast; they are just dismissed as stupid, corrupt, ungodly, against God, etc.

Another thought I had is that the message reader did not distinguish between who are not fully informed, versus those who are being deceived. We cannot say that the blind men describing the elephant were the victims of deception. No, they just did not have the capacity to individually make all the correct observations and interpretations. On the other hand, what the ubf is doing is intentionally deceive people about many issues. Being actively deceived is much more dangerous than just being ignorant.

It is much better to be uninformed or simply ignorant, rather than being actively misled inorder to be taken advantage of. My opinion is that the message reader is trying to scare people into thinking they are stupid and in danger, when in reality they are in much more danger by getting into ubf.

The best application to this passage would be to make a decision of faith to get into a reputable, accountable ministry that upholds Jesus Christ as Lord. According to the passage, people needed to go directly to Jesus, and to do so they needed to reject the religious leaders (aka ubfKoreans and their lackeys). In my opinion, ubf is the religious leaders who keep people in darkness.

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  • Not seeing the whole picture -- PECAS, 19:34:53 01/26/05 Wed

  • "Look at the whole Bible" -- Joe, 23:57:28 01/26/05 Wed

  • Re: Not seeing the whole picture -- Chris, 01:28:06 01/27/05 Thu

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