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Date Posted: 13:51:14 10/23/04 Sat
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Re: Already Married: Second class
In reply to: former 's message, "Re: Already Married: Second class" on 11:04:30 10/23/04 Sat

In Chicago, I can think of two women who came to ubf already married (one already had a child). They divorced and remarried in Chicago ubf. One of them even went on to divorce a second time at ubf. Both women are still there. Don't want to mention their names here, but these cases do exist.

For the sake of painting the whole picture, their marriages may have had severe problems. But at the same time, ubf did not provide a solution to the problems of the marriages. ubf usually exarcebates those kinds of problems, as they try to set themselves up as the authority figure for the family and begin manipulating the family.

Fromwhat I have seen and evidence I gathered, ubf leaders are willing to carry a person through divorce if the person promises to remain in ubf. That has been my own personal experience with my ex ubfwife, who ubf has given about $100,000 over the last few years. Before the divorce the ubf never gave a nickel or a loaf of bread, but now they give her so much money. I think they did the same for others like Chris K, Jim R, Damon L, etc. The ubf is really sick.

As for men who came to ubf already married, can't think of any case where a man divorced his own wife to pick up a ubfwife.

And when a normal married couple was recruited, yes, they were considered as second class ubfins. ubf is trying so hard to build up their marriage process as the only way in God. ubf is built around control, they feel they must control the marriage.

I think alot of recruits think for awhile, 'maybe I can leave ubf, get married, and then come back'. ubf has never allowed this. I know a few couples who did arrange their own marriage behind the shepherds back, they were treated like the worst adulterers.

A side note, it has been very common for ubf to recruit one student who has a very serious attachment, such as steady boyfriend or already engaged. The first thing ubf will do is to try to put a copmplete halt to that marriage process and to begin the ubf marriage process. Rebecca from Ohio told that her friend who was engaged got recruited to ubf, and the first thing PHong did was to tell her that she should stay away from her fiancee and wait six months to see if God would give her a new direction. We haven't heard from Rebecca these days, but she is on the staff at the Toledo Blade. Maybe she can write an article about ubf?

Anyway, the ubf has a very clear strategy to break up relationships, no matter what the relationship is. They use the excuse they are stopping Americans from sinning, but why don't they stop their own ubfKorean leaders from sinning and lying and deceiving, etc?

I can remember more than a few parents that came to the ubf, can think of only one set that remained, and that is at Triton. I can remember a handful of parents who at one time were happy with their kids being in the ubf, but eventually they came to see what ubf really was doing and they left. Of those who left, none are happy that their child is still participating in ubf.

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