Date Posted:01:26:52 10/10/04 Sun Author:Brian Karcher Subject: Re: Another question for Brian In reply to:
's message, "Another question for Brian" on 22:42:37 10/09/04 Sat
>I have another question for Brian Karcher. This
>question deals with point 3 of Tom's original post in
>this thread.
>My "Shepherd", missionary John Kwon of the LA ubf once
>said to me. "Obey me like you Obey God." Do you
>believe that this is a biblical command?
This wording is not found in the Bible. The closest would be Hebrews 13:17 "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you." (NIV)
>>I have much to
>>say, but I must also say that I lost interest in
>>keeping touch with you after you decided to host the
>>absurd JC30 sniper ad hominem attacks on me and
>>others, attacks from somebody who is not man enough to
>>stand to his opinions and contact me directly.
In case you've not seen my website recently, I had taken the JC content down.