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Date Posted: 09:58:50 09/13/04 Mon
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Re: Rabchuck thread/threat
In reply to: E 's message, "Re: Rabchuck thread/threat" on 09:54:22 09/11/04 Sat

Hi everybody,

What E had posted was a very typical response by ubf leaders when a person decides to leave the group. I had a chance to read the letter before it was blocked. Actually, it was really great to have that sort of evidence in writing, I hope it can be redisclosed somewhere. It shows what ubf leaders really think of the recruits.

The contents of the e-mail were totally different from the typical ubf propoganda of loving the sheep, bearing with the sheep, 'covering' for them, serving the role of spiritual parents, etc. The tone of Rabchuk's e-mail was very different. There were no Bible verses quoted by Rabchuk, there was no talk of bearing with the sheep anymore. There were manipulative techniques being used by Rabchuk.

To me, it seems that Rabchuk went the extra mile to try to embarass E, saying she had written an erotic poem to a ubfKorean, had mooched off of Rabchuk's family, had become a burden to her own family and they did not want her any more. Rabchuk said these and seemed to summarize it all in one statement 'you owe me, how could you do this to me?' Rabchuk is obviously very upset. But what happened to the sacrificial shepherd who was laying down his life? Why the sudden turn to below the belt insults and innuendos?

E had broken the cult rule of reciprocity, which states that "one person try to repay what another person has provided. By obligating the recipient to an act of repayment in the future--the rule for reciprocation allows one individual to give something to another with the confidence that it is not being lost." This rule is part of the foundation of ubf recruiting.

This rule is very powerful as virtually all people are trained from birth to follow this rule. If they break it, they are considered undesirable people. But in the case of the cult, the rule is used against you for the rest of your life.

Therefore my feeling is that the e-mail is the sign of a cultic relationship at work. In this specific case it is not necessarily a power over the sheep cult relationship. But it is definitely a contingent love/approval for the sheep relationship. As long as the sheep was an acceptable sheep, living up to some standard as a ubf recruit, she would be 'loved', meaning they did some very small things for her. But when she no longer submitted to the expectations of the group and its leader, she very quickly became 'unloved'. E did not change that much by walking out the door, it was the ubf people who changed when she walked out the door on them.

To me, it seems that E did not buy in too much to the ubf regimentation per se, so they handled her in a psychological way of conditional acceptance into the group. As long as she did some bare minimum, she would be 'loved and 'welcome'. As soon as she firmly decided to stop, she became unnecessary.

Any thoughts? God bless you all.

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