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Date Posted: 11:45:25 09/14/04 Tue
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Give and Receive
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "Re: Rabchuck thread/threat" on 09:58:50 09/13/04 Mon

E had broken the cult rule of reciprocity, which states that "one person try to repay what another person has provided. By obligating the recipient to an act of repayment in the future--the rule for reciprocation allows one individual to give something to another with the confidence that it is not being lost." This rule is part of the foundation of ubf recruiting.

The interesting thing is, the Lord Jesus said that we should give without EXPECTING a return, and that if we DO expect a return, then we are not to receive a Heavenly reward.

However, I've not seen a UBF shepherd who would preach the giving without receiving, in UBF "giving" is always coupled to "receiving" and one who receives has to give to recompense the reception out of "gratitude".

It adds up more and more. The more you get, the more they'll demand from you later, and what you DID give is not counted, they always want more: more money, more time, more heartblood, more obedience, more more more...
"Because we sacrificed for you, now it's your turn to give", this is the canon and if you EVER stop giving, you're called "ungrateful".

Isn't that silly? I think the person who can only give to someone EXPECTING a return, the person who demands a recompense for every second of their life they "wasted" on another person, the person who needs an exchange for everything that was given... I'd say THAT person is truly ungrateful, because they have never learned to give out of a cheerful heart, but they give calculatingly, grudgingly, expectingly.
In UBF, the leaders are a prime proof that they have never understood the Christian Way of Giving and Receiving - and yet they claim to be those to whom we should give.

I pity everyone who can not realize the error in the matter of Giving and Receiving in UBF.

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