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Date Posted: 04:56:05 08/26/04 Thu
Author: Mike K.
Subject: It's loaded
In reply to: Chris 's message, "How language affects perception" on 14:31:58 08/21/04 Sat

Or they use euphemisms like "marriage by faith" for a leader-arranged and leader-controlled marriage. Or they call UBF "God's work".

They load their language in a way so that they can think in UBF manner while talking with other people.
Many times, the language is totally redefined so that a sentence spoken by 2 people can mean something totally different -- and you have the illusion that you know what the other means.

"Through the birth-pains of Missionary Soandso, I have come to see God's grace and accepted Jesus' calling for my life".

Well, for a normal person this would mean:
A missionary from a foreign country had a baby here.
She suffered so much, so I could realize some of the sufferings of Christ.
I received forgiveness of sins and am now a child of God."

What the UBF person means:
"My shepherd (i.e. the one who makes all the decisions for me) tolerated my trying to not be manipulated for long enough so that now I can choose to let others decide all important things for me and try to find new recruits for UBF lest I go to hell for being a lazy shepherd."

UBF language is so full of _redefined_ words that an outsider will not even realize that the UBF member is talking about something completely different.

And yes, words like "coworker" instead of "spouse" also have a very strong purpose: the wife is "part of my flesh, what God has put together, let no man separate".
A "coworker", on the other hand ... can leave the job, is free to do whatever they want, is obedient to the director (hey note another UBF redefined word), has little responsibility and coworking is restricted to certain areas of the job... not unbounded in EVERY area of life.

The word "coworker" is probably one of the most disturbing definitions in the UBF dictionary, as the meaning is so far from "wife/husband" that it's surreal.

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  • Examples from another cult -- Chris, 08:12:17 08/26/04 Thu

  • Re: Examples from another cult -- Mike K., 12:40:36 08/26/04 Thu

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