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Date Posted: 14:31:58 08/21/04 Sat
Author: Chris
Subject: How language affects perception

We sometimes discussed how language influences our thoughts, and how UBF uses this to manipulate its members. This phenomenon was already an issue in George Orwell's "1984." The government created a "newspeak" where it was not possible to think certain things, because lack of words, or because of redefined words. UBF developed a similar newspeak.

In UBF, for example, the word "spouse" is suppressed. If UBF "missionaries" introduce themselves, they always say someting like "I am Abraham Park Lee..., and this is my coworker." By using this term instead of "this is my spouse" or "this is my wife," they also start to perceive their spouses differently, namely primarily as a coworker, not as marriage partner. Or they use euphemisms like "marriage by faith" for a leader-arranged and leader-controlled marriage. Or they call UBF "God's work".

Recently, scientists did some fundamental research in this area.

Please read this English resp. German article about these new insights which show that the influence of language to thinking might be even deeper than we believed.

Manipulate the language of your followers, and you can mannipulate their thoughts. Cult leaders know this intuitively.

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