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Date Posted: 16:43:17 09/05/04 Sun
Author: Nick T.
Subject: mistake in staying in ubf
In reply to: Bob 's message, "I have left ubf" on 22:21:40 09/03/04 Fri

Hi Bob and all our readers,

Yes, the ubfins are definitley reading these sites. However, their hearts and necks have only gotten stiffer, not looser, since reading here. The ubf hard cores are a very proud and unrepentant bunch.

Mr. Choo is a very old style Confucius Korean. He came to the USA I think in the late 1970's. Many years ago his family was a typical ubfKorean family in Chicago, spoke terrible English, couldn't catch any recruits, blamed all the recruiting failure on the sheep, etc. Choo was disliked by many of the cbf children (Korean kids) who were forced to study one to one with him. That was like 1984. He went to Milwaukee and got his PhD and got one recruit there, Jim Rarick.

A very prized recruit Bob Zeisler stayed for a number of years, and they placed alot of expectations on him. Bob (hmm, same name as our new Bob) finished at Marquette and said he was going to stay to attend law school. But without saying anything, Bob left town by joining the US Navy. Maybe he also wanted to get out for a long time but was coerced into staying? That was like 1989.

Now Choo has been in Arlington for 14 years with no success. Still, he will never change his attitude. He is very exemplary of the ubfKorean who came here in the first waves. Most of those realized ubf was bound to fail and left a long time ago. Choo and another handful of ubfKoreans (like Paul Dang in Milwaukee, another dismal failure) will never change their attitudes or tactics. They only get more hard hearted, more stiff necked, and more stubborn. The result is that they have lost touch with reality. They have not been living as missionaries for Christ. They have been living as dupes for the late EE Chang Woo, who taught them everything they know. But all they have been taught is totally wrong.

A new generation of proud hard cores is in place such as Kevin A., Mark VC, Ron Ward, etc who are all failures at recruiting but totally proud and unrepentant. They know what we say and do by visiting these boards. They operate in the dark and they think we don't know what they say and do. But we know. And we are telling others. And they don't like that they are being exposed.

The mistake to stay in ubf is certainly a by-product of not having enough information to make the reasonable choice to leave. The ubf is a cult, they use everything they have to stop you from leaving. They want bodies, they want money, they want attention, but mostly they want power over the lives of others.

There have been so many students who wanted to leave the group, but could not find the truth about ubf. They could not confirm the abuses and false teachings and other red flags. If we could have had these nice websites, all of us could have left right away. There might not even be a USA ubf is these wbsites came on 25 years ago. The testimonies of former members will some day bury the ubf once and for all. Please contact former members and get as much testimony as possible. God bless you all.

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