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Date Posted: 19:56:28 09/12/04 Sun
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Ron Ward is extremely deceptive
In reply to: ExUBF Member in Chicago 's message, "Re: ubf leaders are swimming in money" on 15:51:32 09/12/04 Sun

Hi Ex,

Let me try to give you a kind of timeline. I was recruited in late 1983. Only a few had houses including EE, Dr. Joseph Chung, Dr. James and Dr. Sarah Kim, Isaac Choi (Xerox copier repairman, son of poor widow, go figure)

When ubf was forced out of their old center on Clark St. due to complaints by neighbors and former ubf members, they headed over to Artesian Street. It seemed to set off a house buying frenzy. Dr. John Lee quickly bought a house two blocks away, then many ubfKoreans ran out to buy houses. I was told by one lady how grateful she was that EE gave her a check for $7,000 to use as the down payment. By like 1988 almost all the ubfKoreans had bought a house.

Not sure exactly what caused the buying spree, that was a matter among Koreans. They bought their houses very quietly, while speaking very loudly against buying a house like non-ubfKoreans. I can remember one ubfKorean in my fellowship Richard Choi. He shared these very weird tesimonies where he prayed that he may never become corrupted by buying a house, and he was actually already in the process of buying a house, a two unit one.

Many of ubfKoreans bought two unit buildings, living in one and collecting one rent from newly arrived ubfKoreans. Dr. Hank Park sold his home for like $400,000 before he went to Columbus, and there was no mortgage against the property since like 1991. So in a very short time he paid off a huge mortgage. Supposedly his family in Korea is wealthy. But he was allowed to tap the family wealth instead of turning it all over to 'God's work'.

Ron ward bought his house with a mortgage of $178,000. Within one year he refinanced it, with the new mortgage of only $100,000. Then one year later his mortgage was paid off in full, and a release was recorded. In two years this loudmouth paid off a $178,000 mortgage. You can go to the Cook County recorders office and see it all for your self. Failed doctor Ban Toh bought two very expensive houses in a very short time, and they have no mortgages. He couldn't even afford to buy a car, suddenly he has two houses.

Many others have done similiar things. Mark Yoon had so many expenses sending himself through PhD program at Loyola, sending his five children to the most expensive colleges and medical schools, but Yoon still managed to have a $400,000 house without any mortgage, and his are kids driving very expensive SUVs.

I hope everyone can just come to realize how much these people love money, and want to get their greedy little hands on money. Not by working for it, but by deceiving it out of peoples' pockets. ubf leaders have gotten to where they are today on deception alone. God has not helped them to become rich, but maybe the Devil has.

Please spread the word about the greed of ubf leaders.

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