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Date Posted: 09:37:00 09/10/04 Fri
Author: UBF Member
Subject: Re: UBF Expenses at MSU - other questions
In reply to: Roving Reporter News Network 's message, "UBF Expenses at MSU" on 13:51:48 09/06/04 Mon

Did you include the costs of bus rentals from bus companies?

Did you include the meal costs of many foreign delegates who arrived early?

Did you include the numerous costs of the post conference?

Did you include all the other pre-conference costs?

Mark my words: It will and can be proven that UBF is not a money-making, abherrant cult.

>As a service to the public, this news organization has
>obtained the actual expenses incurred by the UBF at
>MSU through the Freedomn of Information Act. We also
>obtained the attendance totals, which do not seem as
>high as the UBF has broadcasted.
>The actual expenses at MSU can be summarized in three
>parts. First will be the food portion. Each
>breakfast cost $4.75, each lunch cost $7.50, and each
>dinner cost $8.50. So for a Thursday night through
>Sunday noon conference, that should work out to three
>meals at each mealtime. So each person who stayed for
>the entire conference incurred actual meal expenses of
>$62.25. There were some extra expenses such as JBF
>catering, Tea and cookie reception, and some extra
>boxed lunches during the conference. The actual UBF
>food service total came out to
>Second will be the housing expense. The room charge
>for adults was $22.25 per person, per night. There
>was an additional 181 persons classified at a youth
>rate of $13.50 per person, per night. All total, the
>housing expense for all attendants was $160,021.64 for
>the three nights.
>There should have been a sales tax charged on these
>items, but the UBF used its undeserving status as a
>tax exempt group to avoid the sales tax of 6.5%. The
>people of the State of Michigan were cheated out of
>$22,866.75 by the tax evading UBF.
>Third, the costs billed by the Wharton Center came out
>to $24,017.29.
>If we total up all three categories, it comes out to
>$374,663.01. MSU also reported the number of
>registered guests on August 1 (the date of the highest
>attendance) only came out to 2,242. If we divide the
>total expenses by the number of attendants, the actual
>cost per person is only $167.11 per person.
>How much did the UBF charge for each attendant? And
>how much money did they reap when they passed the
>collection baskets with great expectations from each
>attendant? If each attendant only gave an average of
>$200, that means the UBF collected $448,400 in monies
>that is free and clear of any expense. This group is
>a tremendous cash cow. Where does all this money go?
>UBF portrays itself as self-supporting, but they
>squeeze money whenever they can, and the leaders live
>off these monies. The leaders have become extremely
>wealthy off these events.
>Please consider giving your money to a worthy charity,
>such as one that feeds children. Please consider
>never giving money to the UBF ever again. Please
>consider never attending the UBF ever again. Please
>consider telling your personal story about the bad
>experiences in UBF.
>God bless you all.

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