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Date Posted: 23:35:42 10/05/04 Tue
Author: Amy Young
Subject: Re: new ubf
In reply to: Hannah 's message, "Re: new ubf" on 21:55:45 10/05/04 Tue

>They go to things such as MSU and like spies,
>watch al that we do. It's actually kind of creepy to
>know that they do stuff like that.

Hi Hannah. I am one of the people who went to MSU this year and to Wheaton College last year. Why do you think it was creepy of me to do so? I was not there to watch or spy (I was not at all undercover or hiding my presence). I was there because I love and care about UBF people. While there I got the chance to briefly speak with Sarah Barry (I wrote down our conversation in another thread) and I kindly, respectfully, and lovingly called on her to repent now before she stands before the judgment seat of Christ. (Although I imagine I probably should have strongly rebuked her just as Jesus strongly rebuked the religious leaders in his day for their unrepentance, hypocrisy,etc.).

Hannah, you said in your post that you can change the future of UBF. I would like to ask you to share what specifically do you think needs to be changed in UBF? How will things be different?

Hannah, you quoted Ph 3:13,14. Were you saying we should just forget about the abortions, beatings, forced divorces, etc? What does the Bible say about repentance? Don't you believe UBF leaders should repent, confess, apologize and make amends to those whose lives they have devasted rather than just "forgetting what is behind" (I think you are misunderstanding this verse and taking it out of context)? Take Zacceheus for example. He was a former tax collector. When he came to faith in Christ what did he do? Did he just say from now on I will be different and stop cheating people. No, he also went back to all those he cheated and repaid them 4 times the amount he cheated them. That is real, biblical repentance. He made right the wrongs. He changed. He made restitution (and I'm sure he apologized too). UBF 1:1 Bible study is about helping the "sheep" to repent their sins, right? Don't UBF leaders need to repent too? Shouldn't they set the example?

Hannah, below I have copied the leaflet that I handed out at MSU. Would you please read it? It well explains (esp the verses quoted in it and at the end) why I was at MSU from a biblical perspective. Please tell me what you think.
Also, if you would ever like to talk you could reach me at 847-697-3225. Thanks for reading.

Tragic Abuses by UBF LEADERS: Do You Care? Call for INVESTIGATIONS and REPENTANCE???

A man gives up to 40% of his income to UBF for 20 years and then finds out that his chapter director's wife has coerced his wife into aborting two of their babies. He decides he has no choice but to leave UBF. Just after he leaves, he finds out that his former chapter director has denounced him in the following Sunday sermon as someone who has "left Jesus." (See Ki-Chul Oh's testimony- EscapeUBF)

A woman is put through two disastrous and short-lived
"marriages-by-faith," both ordered and arranged by the UBF leader. The UBF leader coerces her to give up her son from her first marriage to another UBF couple (James & Elizabeth Joung) for almost a year. After the quick disintegration of her second marriage, the UBF leader orders her to abort the baby from her second marriage. (See Rebekah Yoon's testimony- EscapeUBF) Also ask MARK YOON- director of Wright UBF: He brought her to the clinic for the abortion.

From a recent discussion on RSQUBF entitled, "Tragedies in UBF: ABANDON YOUR CHILD". Here's a tradegy that went on in UBF that I think needs to be discussed more: Samuel Lee/UBF leaders made members give up their children. Before "B" could "marry by faith" in UBF she was told that she had to give up her child that she had had through an immoral relationship. If I remember correctly, her child was about 7 when she was told to give him/her up in order to marry "J". And from what I remember, she did give up her child for adoption. I was told she had to do this to start a new life and that a future husband wouldn't want someone
already with a child. This is so sad, tragic and evil. If "B" became a Christian her sins are forgiven, including getting pregnant outside of marriage. Samuel Lee and other UBF leaders should have encouraged her to continue to take responsibility for the wrong choice she made earlier by taking care of her child. Instead, the-ever-so warped Samuel Lee pushed her to give up her child as the only way for her to get married in UBF. There are other cases: Jacob Kim told me he was married before to someone else in UBF. Together they had a son. His wife had mental issues and they divorced (I don't remember if Samuel Lee told them to divorce or if she was critical of UBF--). Samuel Lee also told Jacob Kim to give up his son for adoption and then to re-marry in UBF which he did. A few years ago I asked him if he sees his son and has a relationship with him and he said no. I just don't understand these things. I think this is so wrong. YOU DON'T ABANDON YOUR CHILD. You love them, take responsibility for them and care for them. Remember Samuel Lee also tried to make Rebekah Yoon give up her child to the Joungs. In fact, they did have him for about 9-10 months, if I remember correctly. Who else did Samuel Lee do this to? Kathy Calabrese also wrote in her testimony that when she was pregnant with her 5th child Samuel Lee told her to give up her baby for adoption after birth. Thank God Kathy refused and stood her ground even though Samuel Lee later slandered her. He lied and said Kathy was so burdened financially by their 5th child and that somehow she ruined the Northeastern ministry. Did Samuel Lee do this horrible, evil thing to anyone else???

Response posted by "Sol" on RSQUBF, 7/10/04: "I was asked to give my child up, and unfortunately did, thinking ubf could do no wrong. Now think of the affect on the unwanted children, what would you expect their relationship to God be, except that they are unwanted. Being raised outside of God and according to ubf's exile has produced bad fruit. Don't blame the children, blame the uncaring attitude of ubf. My child is grown, beautiful and brilliant, but with a negative attitude of christianity. Seriously what would you expect? They are denying God's children who have a unique need, and for what? What is their point?"

Hi Sol. I am so sorry about your suffering. Do you mind if I ask why they told you to give up your child? what reason did they give you? and who told you to do it? if these questions are too painful and you don't want to answer, that's ok. Thank you.
Sol's response >"Mry Sam Lee always cited Abraham giving up Hagar's child Ishmael as precident for abandoning one's child. My child was raised with one struggling christian and a Godless relative. Center moved me out and married me off to a khhhhoworker who was abusive to me and my child in his own ways. At that time center was praying for entry to Russia and I was gung ho and the relatives watching my child would have none of that for the child. At CBF my child was punched repeatedly by korean missionary children. I was laughed off for getting upset at this by the korean missionary saying thats the way children are. Any one with little "Ishmaels" should leave while they can. I see my child sporatically and there is some healing but what can I say? What dare I say about God to my confused, hurt child?"

The following is from the 1976 open letter to Samuel Lee:

(iii) Destruction of family

"You easily destroyed other shepherds' families while overprotecting your family. Family is a fundamental unit. Furthermore, a Christian family is the body of Christ. A Christian family is holy and personal and should not be destroyed by anyone. Only Jesus is the head of Christian family and leads it (Ephesians 5:30-33). You, however, intervened in the families of our sheep too much and easily
destroyed families. You ORDERED Shepherd Paul Lee's wife to DIVORCE her husband in the name of shepherd training. You ordered Samuel H. Lee to go to Kwang-Joo chapter after sending his children to an orphanage and his wife to the USA. These are not just verbal threat. You forced Kyung-Hee Suh (the wife of president of laymen shepherds Jin-Tae Suh) to go to USA because, you said, she was not qualified to be the wife of a president, and separated her from her family for one year. You forced Isaac Koh to sleep in the UBF center for self-control training of marriage life. You also ordered other shepherds be away from their wives and to divorce them."

From M. Susanna P.'s testimony (Bonn, UBF) M. Abraham Lee said, (CURRENT director, Cologne, UBF): “The basic problem of UBF is that a chapter director oppresses his coworkers so that one often is not able to lead one’s spiritual life before God independently any more. One lives before the eyes of people..."

Why don't UBF leaders investigate these abuses? The answer is in John 3:19 & 20 & 21. "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and WILL NOT COME INTO THE LIGHT FOR FEAR THAT HIS DEEDS WILL BE EXPOSED. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." Sarah Barry & all other abusive UBF leaders: come into the light before it's too late: Jesus is a God of MERCY & FORGIVENESS. Confess your sins and repent. Make amends, ask forgiveness, seek reconciliation. You claim to be Christians, so why won't you humble yourselves and repent?

Here are just a FEW of the Abusive Trainings by UBF leaders: checking people's underwear for skid marks (finish the job training), weight loss by being beaten w/ a baseball bat training, commanding missionaries to beat 1 another until their eardrums burst (punishment for being late to a meeting due to a snowstorm), sitting NAKED in ICE water for hours, walking training: sometimes barefoot in below freezing temperatures (Ask Abraham Lincoln), dead dog
training (Ask the older missionaries what this was: it's shocking and severly abusive), having drama team members hit 1 another (ask Mark Vucekovich & Mark Yoon, drama directors), perm training, shave off your mustache training-which is legalism/man-made rules), weighing people in their underwear in front of Samuel Lee, Sam Lee asking WOMEN to drop their pants in front of him for a shot (He was not a medical doctor! or any kind of real doctor for that matter since he bought his degree from a diplomma mill)........

UBF members: what is the first step toward healing from the effects of abuse in UBF? The answer is easy. The first step is to leave UBF. Or, if you choose to stay for now, at least DO NOT REMAIN SILENT: Show your UBF leaders biblical LOVE: Call on them to repent. This is what the Bible teaches: Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt" (Leviticus 19:17). "When I say to a wicked man, 'You will surely die,' and you do not WARN HIM or SPEAK OUT TO DISSUADE HIM from his evil ways in order to save his life, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE (emphasis mine) for his blood. But if you do warn the wicked man and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his evil ways, he will die for his sin; but you will have saved yourself" (Ezekiel 3:18-19). HOW CAN YOU REMAIN SILENT AND NOT CARE ABOUT ALL THE ABUSED? WHAT IF THESE THINGS HAPPENED TO YOU? WOULD YOU STILL BE SILENT?

For more information, help, support, prayer: rsqubf.fortunecity.net or escape.exubf.org or www.ubf-info.de

"...I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints" (Jude 3)
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them" (Ephesians 5:11)
" Do not entertain an accusation against an elder UNLESS it is brought by TWO or THREE witnesses. Those who sin are to be REBUKED PUBLICALLY, so that the others may take warning" (1 Timothy 5:19-20; 100s of ex-UBF can testify to the truth of the abuses-- not only 2 or 3)
"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or tax collector" (Matthew 18:15-17)
"...command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer (1 Timothy 1:3)
"...so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and REFUTE those who oppose it...they must be silenced" (Titus 1:9,11)
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1)

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