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Date Posted: 23:50:41 10/05/04 Tue
Author: Hannah
Subject: Re: new ubf
In reply to: Amy Young 's message, "Re: new ubf" on 23:35:42 10/05/04 Tue

Thanks for a nice reply! Haha I was actually terrified to see that someone replied, but appreciate that it was kind.
I definately do agree that they need to repent, I really hope they do. And also am glad that you went to see those you care for. Sorry for saying that it was creepy without knowing your intentions!
As a second gen, I went through many stages of not wanting to be a part of UBF to loving it and so on. I guess also being a teenager adds to my emotions going up and down and not liking things. And I defiantely have a different view on things being a second gens to those who aren't.
The thing is, not EVERY UBF leader is like what happened in the past. I mean I guess ex-UBF members can criticize every single one, but hey... we're all human. I guess what we're looking for is someone to repent openly for all that has happened to have closure to all this. I guess we're looking for things to be changed to prove repentence.

Things I want to change.. there's a ton, there's a ton of things that I love. I'd rather talk to you about it rather than post it on here. heh just for personal reasons. Because I am a second gen, I'm the next generation. The next "leader" or whatever. Whatever God wants me to do. We'll see

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