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Date Posted: 07:40:41 10/07/04 Thu
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Who's your leader?
In reply to: UBFree 's message, "Re: Drifting OT" on 14:33:10 10/06/04 Wed

You would rather have an unbeliever as your leader?

Actually, yes. I'd rather have an unbeliever as my leader than a person who abuses the Bible to justify the unjustifiable.
Then again, those who have been in UBF for many years maybe agree to the concept that a Christian is better than nothing. But really, I'd rather live my Christian life in a totally repressive worldly environment than in a so-called Christian environement where people think they're acting like Christians when in reality they're not.
UBF is full of such people. They bring a bad taste to the name of Christ.

In an unbelieving environment, it means something to be a Christian. In a fundamentalist Christian environment, I'd feel ashamed to call myself a Christian because I don't want to be mixed up with such people. That's also one of the reasons why I left UBF.

But now, before we get too political, first of all, a person has to decide with their conscience with which course of actions they want to live (and electing a president is merely one of them). After one has decided with their conscience, they should still seek the Lord's counsel on things and then act with the Lord's blessing.

Don't "decide by faith" whom to give your vote to, i.e. do it because it sounds good or because someone tells you to.
In the end, YOU are responsible for YOUR choice. We all are.
And no one will relieve us of the burden if our choice was wrong. Then, we can only pray to the Lord for forgiveness.

The last thing I'd say on this issue here is that be suspicious about fundamentalists. Muslim fundamentalists got Israel, America, Afghanistan and the Iraq into a mess, don't believe Christian fundamentalists are essentially better.
Fundamentalists don't believe in things like freedom of choice or ratio, they believe that their way of thinking is right and some are willing to pay the price of other's lives to get their bidding. I don't say that Bush is the same as bin Laden, but I say be suspicious about fundamentalists.

Side note: UBF is classified as a fundamentalist Christian group. Guess why?

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