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Date Posted: 14:33:10 10/06/04 Wed
Author: UBFree
Subject: Re: Drifting OT
In reply to: Mike K. 's message, "Drifting OT" on 12:03:31 10/06/04 Wed

You would rather have an unbeliever as your leader? This is an absurd statement. I don't see how any Christian could vote for a Democrat. The Democrats spit on everything that we hold dear as Christians! They support infantcide, gay marriage and the stripping away of religious expression and freedom. A christian supporting a Democrat is either very ignorant or very unstable mentally. The fact that UBF leaders support Democrats speaks VOLUMES!

>I can tell you that the pastors at my church all
>support a Christian for president in George W. Bush,
>who studies the Bible everyday.

>Let's just say that in politics I prefer an unbeliever
>to a fundamentalist.
>Bush is shaming the name of Christ by actions such as
>declaring the war against Iraq a "crusade" or by his
>continual application of pressure tactics.
>I don't want to go into any more details.
>Our political stance is our private matter.
>Let's just say that when elections were in Bonn, Chang
>took the liberty of asking shepherds for which party
>they did vote and then would comment on that. In UBF,
>you don't even have the constitutionally-guaranteed
>privilege of privacy in voting matters!
>But anyway. Politics is a system of the world, we
>don't have the choice between good and evil but we can
>only choose the lesser evil.

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