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Date Posted: 17:02:13 10/07/04 Thu
Author: ED
Subject: Re: Who are President really is!
In reply to: UBFree 's message, "Who are President really is!" on 10:37:13 10/07/04 Thu

I agree with Chris and Mike. Christianity shouldn¡¯t be associated to either political party because both parties are parties of the world and both are run by evil men and women. If you are going to argue that the Democrats are the party of homosexuals, abortionist, and welfare recipients. You can easily argue that Republican are the party of Sun Young Moon, Saudi Arabian branch of the Islamic religion, illegal immigration, and corporate corruption.

The Moonies are major contributors to the Republicans. Mr. Moon owns the Washington Times, which is a big proponent of the Republican conservatives. George Bush Sr. is a big friend of Moon and does many public engagements for Moonies to this day. One of the major religious organizers for the Bush campaign was Sun Young Moon. Moon who was prosecuted by tax evasion was let off by a Republican administration. Isn¡¯t nice to see how party of traditional values is associated with a man who is by definition an anti-Christ.

When Franklin Graham criticized the false religion of Mohammed, George Bush condemned him for causing problems. George Bush thinks that Christianity and Islam are equivalent. George Bush also protected the Saudi Arabian government when it is very clear that Osama Bin Ladin, 15 out of the 17 highjackers, and the money for terroism came from Saudi Arabia. Did you know that is illegal for Saudi to be Christians but in Iraq it was okay to be a Christian under Sadaam Hussein. If the war was matter of self-defense we should have attacked Saudi Arabia not Iraq.

By the way Cheney¡¯s daughters is a lesbian, when you are voting for Bush you are also voting for Cheney and Cheney said it is okay for his daughter and others to pursue their own sense of happiness. Bush¡¯s two daughters are alcoholics, and Jeb¡¯s Bush daughter is drug user. Rush Limbaugh the big mouth of Republican Party is another drug user. This is the type of family values that they are trying to instill on us when their own families are so mess up.

I don¡¯t need to go over corporate corruption with Halliburton and Enron (Enron Ken Lay and George Bush were great friend), energy crisis in California, etc.

I guess George Bush will go to church and think on these matters as he goes to church since he is a ¡°Christian¡±. Wait a minute; George Bush doesn¡¯t go to church.

When you look at Israel during Jesus time, there were two major parties the Sadducees (liberal) and the Pharisees (fundamentalists). You know Christ didn¡¯t side with the fundamentals. He condemned both groups as being hypocrites. Christians should votes according to their conscience and leaders¡¯ actions not a sound bite.

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