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Date Posted: 09:44:44 10/13/04 Wed
Author: John
Subject: Development of ICC Lite
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: Development of UBF Lite" on 10:20:08 10/12/04 Tue

CMI is still a leader-centric ministry approach, and they still believe in the shepherding/discipling paradigms. They promise they can do it without heavy authoritarism, pressure and abuse, or as you put it, with the new rule of "playing nice to each other." Of course, it will not work. Probably CMI will disintegrate. The "fear and trembling" factor and the "strong man" that held UBF together is missing. Many have already left CMI because of the old wounds that broke up again and the lack of apologies and because so little has changed.

Boy does this sound familiar. We recently had a big conference in Chicago and here was one public response:

Identity and philosophical differences: The ICOC name is a useful handle to describe who we are and what we are about. One-another relationships and a commitment to evangelism are what make us distinct. [Not that we are the only groups of Christians on the planet! Still, these emphases are what we have in common.]

I think this was true of those that attended in Chicago, but not true of everyone.

By the way, "One-another relationships" has become the new code word for discipleship partners. It's like no one can let go of the discipling ministry that created this mess, so they come up with a euphemism for discipling. This is explained by saying that we still need to fulfill the "one another" passages - and the only solution put forward by many is that each member needs to have one person to focus on to fulfill the one another passages.

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