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Date Posted: 10:20:08 10/12/04 Tue
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: Development of UBF Lite
In reply to: John 's message, "Development of UBF Lite" on 16:54:12 10/11/04 Mon

From my own experience, the ICoC seems to be following the same course. As one of their leading teachers wrote in his resignation letter, his church was still focused or a leader-centric ministry approach. In other comments, he has spoken of an ICC Lite that still practices the ICC form of 'discipling' and structure, but promises to be nice to each other.

Regarding CMI, is this what is happening there? Is it just like UBF, but everyone plays nice to each other?

To answer your questions, yes, I think you are hitting the nail on the head. When I asked one of the main CMI leaders in Germany why they still hadn't published a statement of apology, he wavered around, made me feel guilty for not understanding Korean mentality and thinking in western categories, evaded an answer, but then he frankly said "If we issue such a statement, we will lose our authority as leaders." I think that answers your question. CMI is still a leader-centric ministry approach, and they still believe in the shepherding/discipling paradigms. They promise they can do it without heavy authoritarism, pressure and abuse, or as you put it, with the new rule of "playing nice to each other." Of course, it will not work. Probably CMI will disintegrate. The "fear and trembling" factor and the "strong man" that held UBF together is missing. Many have already left CMI because of the old wounds that broke up again and the lack of apologies and because so little has changed.

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