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Date Posted: 14:31:08 10/13/04 Wed
Author: Chris
Subject: UBF and "moveaways"
In reply to: John 's message, "ICC membership numbers" on 09:19:34 10/13/04 Wed

Thanks for clearing that up, John.

For example, the local church would count "fallaways" - those that left the ICC and "moveaways" - those that moved to another ICC congregation.

In UBF the categories of "fallaways" and "moveaways" did not exist.

"Fallaways" were simply forgotten, as if they had never existed and never attended UBF.

"Moveaways" were not allowed. All members were expected to stay in the same chapter until the end of their lives. (As a rationalization, UBF leaders would often missaply "Each one should remain in the situation which he was in when God called him.") The true reason was that in UBF, members ("raised disciples") counted as a kind of "posession" of a chapter leader and increased his honor and rank in UBF (and also increased the number of slaves who would work for him and the weekly offering). Therefore, no chapter leader wanted to give away members to other chapters. Members are usually not allowed to move to another place, even if a UBF chapter exists there. Exceptions: The sending out of "missionaries" from Korea, sending out of members ot "pioneer" sattelite chapters or arranged marriages between leaders of different chapters. These are often politically motivated or deals, like Birgit was sent for an arranged marriage from Heidelberg to the USA, and in return, Cynthia was sent for an arranged marriage from the USA to Heidelberg. But nobody could decide on his own to move to another town.

I remember that once, when I saw how small the Düsseldorf chapter was, and how large Heidelberg, though Düsseldorf is a much larger city, I wanted to join the Düsseldorf chapter (another reason was that Düsseldorf was the only chapter with a German leader, all the others were Koreans). My chapter leader Kaleb Hong did not allow. Now I understand his motivation. I was his "possesion." He would not "give me away." Later, I asked him to join the Kiev chapter in the Ukraine, and even that was not allowed. He also showed his mindset when he often mentioned anout his "generosity" to send Birgit away to the USA. I was completely unthinkable to move away. I also had to quit a good job, because it was too far away from Heidelberg. There even was another UBF chapter close to the company where I worked, but it was unthinkable to move away.

Usually, after finishing university study, you would move either back to the place where your parents, relatives and friends live, or to the place where you have the best job opportunity. But UBF members, after finishing their study, often are forced to live far away from their parents and take a bad job, because you have to stay in the chapter where you have been "fished" and where the leader and shepherd "invested" so much in you. Now they want their "return on investment." You cannot simply move away.

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