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Date Posted: 12:46:59 10/20/04 Wed
Author: Nick T.
Subject: Re: freedom to chose --NOT
In reply to: Brother in Christ 's message, "Re: freedom to chose --NOT" on 12:16:13 10/20/04 Wed

Hey BIC,

Thanks for getting involved in this thread. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I have to say that the ubf marriage process does not fit well with any reputable Christian group. There are also alot of elements that have gone on behind the scenes such as the sale of marriages, the false enegagements, the coreced marriage of strangers, the withholding of crucial information about parties in marriage.

For example, I will cite an old case and a very recent case. In the older case, one person had a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and was arranged to marry. The other person involved had no idea that the future coworker had an STD. After the very hasty marriage (less than one week in the making) the STD was transferred to the unsuspecting coworker, and the person literally had a nervous breakdown.

In a very recent case, a person who was a certifiable mental patient was being arranged for marriage with a person from another state. The out of state ubf leader came to Chicago to agree to the marriage. His conclusion was that the certifiable person was the perfect match for his sheep. The out of state ubf leader went back to his own place to inform his recruit of the impending mariage. The recruit became alarmed and left the ubf, never to return. Good for him.

These things have happened and will continue to happen. The system at ubf allows for this, because ubf is mostly operating in deceptions.

I don't think your case is the norm, and there may have been deceptions going on that you have not mentioned or maybe had never been aware of. Looking back, I can recall a number of deceptions going on at the time they were literally arranging my marriage. BIC, do you recall any deceptions going on in the ubf process back when you were getting married? If so, could you please share them? Thank you.

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  • Re: freedom to chose --NOT -- Jim St. L., 13:52:53 10/20/04 Wed

  • Re: freedom to chose --NOT -- Brother in Christ, 09:52:00 10/21/04 Thu

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