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Date Posted: 10:51:20 07/09/04 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Re: UBF leaders' claims of special powers
In reply to: Anonymous 's message, "UBF leaders' claims of special powers" on 10:41:19 07/09/04 Fri

Some examples of the special powers of the director of the small chapter I was associated with:

The director claimed to have healed one shepherd's attention deficit disorder. He forced him to discontinue his use of medication and instead subjected him to "sogam training." The director also pushed this shepherd to buy a car. (Other members were getting tired of having to drive him to meetings.) A few weeks after buying the car, the shepherd left UBF to serve in a sound Christian church. The director tried to explain it away, saying that the shepherd "ran away because he got what he wanted" (i.e., the car). How many people join a "Bible study" because they want to be forced into buying a car?

The director claimed to be able to interpret history from God's eyes. His interpretation of why some young American women have corrupt morals? Because Jackie Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis instead of remaining a widow! No kidding.

One long-time shepherd decided to discontinue his Bible study because he was feeling intense pressure and manipulation from the director. The director erased the shepherd's name from the Bible Study chart on the Bible Center wall and threatened, "If you don't come back to Bible study, I'm gonna erase your name from the Book of Life!"

And of course, the director claimed to be able to identify who was possessed with demons, and with what kind of demons they were possessed. He was never successful at driving them out, though! He also claimed to be able to know God's specific will for a particular person, and to be able to know what a person's "prayer topic" should be. And he claimed to have divinely appointed authority as God's servant so that everyone under him should submit to his direction.

I'm sure this kind of stuff is not uncommon, and people will have other examples.

Anonymous ex-UBFer

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