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Date Posted: 11:43:15 08/02/04 Mon
Author: Truth seeker
Subject: Re: Experiences in Saudi Arabia, Anything goes here?
In reply to: Tony Lang 's message, "Experiences in Saudi Arabia" on 09:20:05 08/02/04 Mon

how about a special offering collection in the name of BANGLADESH FLOOD VICTIMS, as the UBF crooks did in the past to sympathi$$$$e with them, also for russia, africa, india and ...
Are we here to talk about which subject?
Anything goes here?
>I have been working in Saudi since the beginning of
>the year.
>I am living on a compound near to where Al Qaeda
>terrorists killed a large number of innocent people.
>I work with a lot of expatriate workers. This is a
>most interesting experience. Sudanese , lebonese,
>Egyptians, Palastinians, Indians, Americans, Nepalese,
>Bangladeshes, Filippeanos, as well as Brits and
>Saudis. I am seeing real life. We spend a lot of
>time on this website understandably discussing our own
>problems. Working with collegues from the Third World
>I am seeing life through their eyes, their struggles
>and those of their families in order to survive, the
>reasons that forcede them to leave their countries to
>work in a foreign land for hardly any money. The
>Bangladeshi's that I meet seem to be earning between
>70$ - 120$ a month and working very long hours with
>two months holiday every two years. Recently we have
>seen on TV really terrible floods in Bangladesh. Half
>the country seems to be under water.
>Many of my Bangladesh collegues (wonderful people,
>always cheerful) have lost everything that they have
>worked many years to build for their families back
>Mustafa a man who I employ to do my washing his family
>has lost every thing, just washed away, a graduate
>forced to work doing menial tasks here. Ironically
>the Bible says to them that hath shall be given but to
>them that hath not shal be taken away the little that
>they hath. Alas Mustafa is one of those
>These floods are the result of global warming. Global
>warming is man made. We are destroying the World.
>We Christians believe that this is Gods world. This
>being so we should do everything in out power to save
>this planet.
>Global warming is a result of over production,
>modernisation and consumerism by the rich countries.
>The message of consumerism is comfort and convenience
>at the expense of spirituality. In the evangelical
>church I do not here this message being preached, most
>of the time it is about personal salvation. If the
>rich nations of the World are allowed to destroy this
>world there will be nobody left to whom we can offer
>personal salvation, and we wont be there to preach it.
>This is a problem caused by the rich countries, and it
>is the poor countries that are suffering.
>My friends believe me, Mustafa is a very nice man, I
>know he will work hard he will rebuild his small farm
>in Bangladesh that his wife runs, but in 15 years time
>another flood will come and again destroy his efforts.
>The vicious circle
>This is POVERTY and this is Gods World, (it was not
>made in Japan fifty years ago) and as Christians we
>need to think about changing our life styles. This is
>a message we should have on our lips, because we
>believe that man cannot live by bread alone, but
>somehow we think that he can and the more jam on the
>bread the better.

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