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Date Posted: 18:05:16 08/03/04 Tue
Author: UBFree
Subject: Re: UBF and Bangladesh
In reply to: Desiree S. Ray 's message, "Re: UBF and Bangladesh" on 15:43:39 08/03/04 Tue


I agree with everything you said accept the part about "Bush lying to us". Bush did not lie to us! Bush is a great man and a good Christian who freed the Iraqi's from a mad man. Of course Iraqis do not want their country occupied, this hurts national pride. But if you ask Iraqi's if they are better off and happier without Sadaam they overwhelmingly say yes. It is not Bush's fault that he was given bad intelligence from the Russians, British and his own CIA director. (Read Woodwards's book) I hope Desiree, you are not basing your opinion on Bush on a hollywood movie!(M.Moore) Even the left has disavowed his movie.

Desiree, you are right about America being the scapegoat for everyones problems. America is not the problem. Countries around the world need to examine themselves and their own culture. South Korea is a good example. As much as I detest UBF and its practices, I must admit that the Korean people in the south have done an incredible job of rebuilding their country since 1950. This rebuilding did not just magically appear but it came about through the sweat and perserverance of the Korean people. Other countries could do the same if they had the will and the purpose. Hopefully removing Hussien will allow the Iraqi's the same oppurtunity.

As much as I would really like to have a positive feeling about Europeans, their constant whining about America makes it increasingly difficult. Why did we go into Serbia or Bosnia? Why can't the Eurpoeans take care of their own backyard? It seems to me the Europeans want it both ways.

Here is the bottomline: The whole world DOES NOT hate us. SOME(German socialists) hate us because we do NOT bow to the United Nations or dictator thugs. Some(anti-semite French/Islamic fascists) hate us because we are Christian and we are the only entity left that stands between freedom and one world government/or the destruction of Israel). But soon, one world government will appear and then the anti-christ comes and well....read Revelation to see how it ends.

God bless all of you (Even Europeans)

>Dear Tony and all reader's;
>I remember Paul Debnath very well. I believe after
>the "love bombing" phase of UBF he was encouraged to
>become the chapter director for UBF in Bangladesh
>along with several other Korean missionary families
>who were to go there and support his mission work. My
>memory might play a trick or two on me, but I believe
>he was married to an American girl from Chicago named
>Theresa. I sent her clothes as a wedding gift. Her
>parents had been hippies from the 60's and she had
>grown up in a more liberal environment. She was more
>than willing to meet the challenges that awaited her
>in such a humble country. I lost touch with her after
>she left the USA.
>I would like to add a comment or two regarding Tony's
>original line .
>Tony, my uncle was the Chief of Naval Operations for
>the Middle East during the Carter / Regan
>Administrations... His primary job was to facilitate
>communications among leader's in the Middle Eastern
>countries and promote open dialog regarding weapon's
>systems in each country. According to the thinking of
>the period, this openness would (hopefully) reduce
>suspect feelings between the leader's.
>Unfortunately,however, the progress was dimmed when
>the religious leader's in Iran became fearful that
>they were losing their influence over general
>populace. The leader's called for a war against the
>west, and the rest is history.....
>As and American, I admit it is easy to become
>indifferent to the burdens born by poverty in foreign
>lands. It is no secret that America is a land of
>unlimited possibility and wealth. By foreign
>standards, even the poorest Americans are rich.
>With that being said, I want to make this statement.
>I have always tried to broaden myself by reading about
>the Middle East and Africa. I have wanted to explore
>(for my own peace of mind) why there is constant war
>and poverty elsewhere. Certainly there are no easy
>answers, but I have learned the following facts.
>Due to the overwhelming religious ties to Middle
>Eastern cultures, education is LACKING for women. In
>the United States, women are given unlimited access to
>all levels of formal education. If the women gain
>advanced degrees and then marry and decide to stay at
>home to raise children, more often than not, the
>children grow up healthier (in all ways). Without
>educating women, societies will not prosper!
>Many Third World countries who accept the Islam or
>Buddist culture live in repressed societies. Children
>are abused sexually by their families, or sold into
>slavery for the price of a loaf of bread. Baby girls
>are left in the streets to die because they are viewed
>as having little value. Women are not allowed to go
>out of doors without being covered (even their faces)
>as though they are not seen. Women are seen as
>breeding units to produce more men...and for what
>purpose I ask. To grow up to wage war against each
>Since you guys are taking time to discuss your own
>problems while you are working in Saudia Arabia, let
>me add to a discussion topic for you. Are you aware
>that the very country you are currently working in
>supports the repression of women. The monarchy in
>Saudia Arabia must depend upon foreign worker's
>because they do not have enough educated member's of
>their own society to carry on the work to sustain
>their own needs. The country of Saudia Arabia (one of
>the wealthiest in the world) would be desolate if not
>for the worker's from foreign places. They recruit
>American doctor's, nurses, technology folks and even
>truck driver's!!!!
>It is a known fact (at least in America) that Al
>Kaieda is seeking to overthrow the government in
>Saudia Arabia and turn it into the mecca for Islamic
>So, what do we do about this as Christians.????
>I do not have an answer. I can tell you that from my
>point of view, global warming and taking care of our
>environment is an important issue. But until we can
>achieve peace and equality among all human beings, we
>will continue to drop the ball on our world
>environment. We are living in an age of total fear.
>Human life is devalued because of archane religious
>hatred. I think we as a world community MUST stand up
>and DEMAND change. We must demand that all babies be
>given a chance to live and grow and be educated. I
>think we need to DEMAND that Israel and Palastine stop
>the violence and give land back to Palastine!!! I
>think we should hunt down Bin Laden and cut off his
>head in the steets of Saudia Arabia. I think we
>should outlaw violence in the name of all religions
>and that those who violating the law should be
>executed on the spot when caught. That goes for
>Americans, British, Islam.....
>I see your point, but I am so tired of guys
>complaining about big bad America and Europe, when the
>same guys NEVER stand up and say STOP to the bloodshed
>and the abuse. It is hard for me to take the Chinese,
>Indians, Palistinians, Israelies, and Saudi's
>seriously when all they want to do is destroy the land
>they live on. If there was more value of human life,
>perhaps there could be more educated people building
>dikes, dams, and construction to prevent floods,
>famine, aids, and poverty.
>The American's went to Iraq to fight because our
>President lied to us. But make no mistake about it,
>we DO NOT want the violence in our backyard. Our
>finest young men are dying because the Iraq people
>will not stand up and fight for their own right's.
>They will always find an excuse to blame America for
>the tragic destruction of their land when in truth it
>is their own fault for tolerating the years of
>oppression. Men must learn to fight ignorance in
>their own back yard before they venture out to blame
>others for their misfortune!!! The United States is
>not a welfare agency for people who enjoy killing each
>other in the name of their religion.
>Tony, I know this sounds harsh, but I am seeing the
>result of American soldier's returning home crushed by
>the violence they have been exposed to. All I know is
>that we did not start all this mess, and it just needs
>to stop.

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