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Subject: ..defined..

Ring of Fire|±|Tears of Shadow|±|Belle Sera|±|Friday
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Date Posted: 14:35:38 05/13/02 Mon
In reply to: Damis Ferar 's message, "Re: ..vows o' the fem.." on 05:16:28 05/13/02 Mon

LOL, okies. You did such a good job of managing my post. ^_^

..vixe' casts wary glare t'wards grouping o' equus persona, tendril curse furling downwards fro' arched crest. Hock-kisser flicks softly, passing pest fro' youth pelt, twin spirals sewing t'wards crown in dominant warning t'ward femministic shes and masculine champi'n. Dangled locks o' foreface hue bloodpainted frame, lightened oricles glaning downwards t'wards half slumbri'g flicka. Boa yeilding in effortless, tedious motion, she-flame lowered mug easily to scan o're miniature in research and probing to assure all was well 'bout filla..

.Ring of Fire.

{..miscule shadow peirced murky 'neath turf o' tainted goldenrod element, darkened hide evident 'pon turf. Easy prey fo' huntress beasts who prowled opened lands o' sea-side basin. Fire stained damma, though, caused easy tempremant o' youth, securing saftey in lands. Wi'h masculine movement, she-min raised convex cran', perched swivels twisting in research o' fatherhood pace. Wit' fluid movements, youth flicka unfolded spide'y limbs, raising 'pon miniscule peds. Crown arched, dial tossed lightly in balance keeping, she-youth travelled to damma side in search o' nutrition..}

{Tears of Shadow}

||foxy nightchild tanded to heights o' vegetation, cropping down sweetened shoots in the'r prime. Easy snatch taken to bits o' greenery. She-beast moved few steps t'ward youth and damma figure, quickly retreating to o'her patches o' grazing foliage wi'h warning fro' firey doe||

|Belle Sera|

{{+alabaster persona o' weekly dub laces twisted spinals t'wards crown, ivories loosed in annoyed fashion. Hocks bunched, femme kicked out t'wards courser o' rav'n pigment, whirling in season's fashion. Last snap outwards t'ward knightly oynx 'fore she-ivory moved out t'wards lands o' youthful conceivment+}}


((Bah, bad posts for Friday and Belle Sera. Oh well, meet you at the 'Basin.'))

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