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Subject: Re: ..vows o' the fem..

Damis Ferar
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Date Posted: 05:16:28 05/13/02 Mon
In reply to: Ring of Fire|±|Tears of Shadow|±|Friday|±|Belle Sera 's message, "..vows o' the fem.." on 22:32:52 05/11/02 Sat

okies..im gunna do dis one atta time..lol..

{.iron stamped lark servo's pullus o' his lineage and damma o' motherlike yet firey qualities stands distance for he knew o' defence that mothers have o'er their young, and he knew she mean't business(lol), so he would abide his time 'till youth grew to certain age o' where she as not glued to damma's scarlet hide(lol).}

{.soft cooing sound echoes fro' worn gullet, plush stretched for'h t'wards shadowy maid dubbeth 'Belle Sera' pilosities follow each o'her in a row whe' visage tosses chipper grates tawny sands underfoot, yet he would not toil wi'h one thing for long soon lark be at fem's side, hoping this would not uncomfort she iv'ries tear at sparse jade sprouts where peds were planted prehaps company would make grazing more enjoyable.}

{.towers preforate 'pon sighting o' luminesant vix' bestowed 'Friday' light shashay o' palioes swirls loose earthen as he draws t'wards she arabic lineage that swelled in his veins caused him ebonite perfection as well as thine desert strenth he had received, 'long with a desert name 'Dark Flight' was placed well, for as male beast dances 'round iv'ry squaw, he seems as only a dark blur shast fem wish to travel to breeding lands wi'h he?.}

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..defined..Ring of Fire|±|Tears of Shadow|±|Belle Sera|±|Friday14:35:38 05/13/02 Mon

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