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Subject: "Shame on you.."

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Date Posted: 17:18:51 02/12/02 Tue
In reply to: Nideus 's message, "*He smiles at her, glad to have met someone.*" on 15:27:27 02/12/02 Tue

Arielle's eldest daughter walks in from behind a tree. "Shame, shamen shame.." Her young voice trails. "Why do I have a feeling some thing is going on here?" She rasies a brow. Looking diffrent from the day she had came, still with her black hair. Welcomeing eyes and a weird kind of smile, always with that same I know your game face stuck on when ever around older faries. "You got some thing going for my Mom here?" She asks, her voice almost rude. But she was trying to be, trying to drive him away from her mother. Although she was younger, she felt it was up to her, to keep her Mom safe. Her soft, welcomeing eyes turn to a darking type of mean. Yet they still had a soft glow. "Oops, I forgot. My name is Morra." She raddles on, "Arielle is my mom." Her voice sounding quite corny at the time. Yet for her age, she was smarter than most faries twice her age.

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*she blushes as he says her name*Thank you....Arielle17:46:31 02/12/02 Tue

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