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Subject: .......

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Date Posted: 23:56:09 03/24/02 Sun
In reply to: Caitlin 's message, "Oh my gosh!" on 12:25:58 03/12/02 Tue

Thanx Caitlin, I really am thankful. My Grampa got out of hospital, but he's back in because of a kidney infection!!!!! Did you get my e-mails? It's not like you to not reply, so you must not have got them. nm. I'm going back to my old fav. town Tzaneen(za-neen) today, and I'm like 100% positive that no one will recognise me. well, on the other hand, you wouldn't either. My skin tone is back to normal (living in Ipswich really takes your tan away!!! I had a tan as dark as as varnished piece of oak wood, and when I got here I looked like a ghost!) and I had my hair cut short, like shoulder length short(4.5 inches off). Long hair just isn't the thing when you wake up sweating because of the heat, as outside it's about 70 degree's at 8:30 am! I won't get into the noon temp(around 95 min!).

I g2g.
e-mail me asap, k?

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>>Caitlin14:22:30 03/25/02 Mon

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