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Subject: Hey Everyone! Less than 2 days to go! And I believe that Obama will soon be our President!

Mercedes (am I the only one who is bothered by Cindy McCain always standing behind McCain when he gives speeches, like she's ready to stand by and blow his nose for him?)
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Date Posted: Sun, November 02, 2008 9:01:44

McCain has been giving it the 'old college try' as my late father used to say, but he's too far behind to win. But he has one problem that will be the deciding factor in his upcoming loss, and that is Palin. I've begun to call her the "half-baked Alaska" candidate--even though she was born in Sandpoint, Idaho (why does she go around calling herself a "true" Alaskan if she was born in Idaho? Well, she's just like Bush. He was born in Connecticut, but, 'gosh darnit', he's as Texan as you can be. I was born in California, and I always consider myself a Californian who lives in Texas). Why ANYONE is falling for her 'hockey mom' shtick is beyond me. I can see right through her. She is as much a 'hockey mom' as I am, and I sure am NOT a hockey mom. I'm still trying to figure out WHY McCain picked her as his Veep. She is about as intelligent as a ham sandwich and only knows how to mimic talking points. She is also very Racist, what with her telling the 99.999% of white people at her rallies that they are 'real' Americans, and that they represent the 'real' America. There is no such thing as a 'real' America! We're all living here in this country either by birth, by choice or by just plain luck.

I really hope that the Republicans forget about Palin for 2012. She is more of a Divider than McCain has ever been! I was always taught that Christians are supposed to share their riches with others less fortunate and that Christians are supposed to take care of the "least of these Brethren" (credit to the Bible)and to wait for their rewards when they get to Heaven. But Palin makes it sound like if Obama wins, then he's going to allow EVIL, HEATHEN POOR MINORITY people to invade your home, steal all your money, silverware, pots and pans, dishes, towels, furniture, etc..., steal your wife and kids, then shoot you in the foot before they slam the door in your face! Come on, Republicans, you can't find someone better to represent your so-called 'White Christian Values', other than this woman? A woman who accepts over $150,000 worth of clothing, hair styling and make-up without even saying "thank you"? If she is supposedly a Conservative, she would have said "Thanks, but NO THANKS!" for the clothing, hair and make-up, but there she is--all dolled up, acting like she's a beauty queen contestant again; instead of being a mature woman who is representing our country and us.

The point is; for the last 8 years, the rich have been getting richer and getting the tax cuts while the REST OF US have been making up the difference with higher 'fees'(Republican codeword for 'taxes')! Why shouldn't it be our turn to get a bit of money back from the government? Why should only the rich and super-rich get tax cuts, PERMANENT tax cuts? Talk about stealing from the poor to give to the rich!

Well, we'll soon know who will be leading us for the next 4 years. I am praying it's Obama, because I've had it UP TO HERE with the Republicans and their wars, their debt, their economic disasters and their so-called 'religious values', plus, I'd like to see a fellow who is NOT 100% White have the chance to be our President!


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I pray you are correct! Please heaven Obama IS elected! (NT)PeggySun, November 02, 2008 11:22:31

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