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Subject: Hi, Peggy! Que chula es su nieta! (How pretty your granddaughter is!)

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Date Posted: Sun, August 09, 2009 10:39:37
In reply to: Peggy 's message, "Mercedes...that "my America" woman made me think exactly as you did" on Sun, August 09, 2009 9:18:06

I really don't like to sound like I'm a Racist myself, but there is no other way I can describe people like Palin and that sob-sister "real American". I hope everyone understands why I write what I do because in my 42+ years on this earth I have been the target of discrimination and looked down upon, just because the color of my skin. It doesn't matter how intelligent I am, or who I am, there are just some people who have made it their lives' work to demean, degrade and detest people who are not 'like' them.

I am really trying to figure out how President Obama's suggestion that people go to talk with their doctors about end-of-life decisions has turned into this freakshow of 'death panels' and trying to scare people into thinking that Obama wants them to commit assisted suicide because they are old or sick. That is so full of bull that I can't believe Anyone is falling for One Word of it!

I'm a bit mad at Obama, too, because he's trying to please the 'blue dog' Democrats who have the Insurance companies' money in their pockets and don't want the Gravy Train to end. They are supposed to Support US, not worry about their next campaign contribution. I know if something bad ever happened to me, I have health insurance that would take care of me for a few years. After that, either my family would have to sell what we own (which isn't much--just an older model car, some clothes and knick knacks--no stocks, bonds, no house, nothing else)then I would become a patient left to the mercy of the insurance companies' rules and would end up in a shabby nursing home. I would Love this problem to be fixed NOW, the sooner the better.

Peggy, do you think these people like Palin and sob-sister are afraid? My husband thinks it. He says that as long as we Minorities 'stayed in our place' and 'didn't rock the boat' that those people were all right. But once Obama became President, it's like everything went out the window. I've had older White people look at me with Fear in their eyes, like I'm going to attack them or something. And you can just imagine how my husband and son appear to them--both have dark brown skin, black hair and black eyes. What do they want us to do--disappear? Change color? Lay down and let them step all over us? Why are they so afraid of us? I've NEVER done anything to scare anyone, only shouting when I think I'm right--which I know doesn't usually work--but That's IT!

I wish there was a Townhall meeting scheduled where I live--maybe Congressman Gonzalez, or Rodriguez, so I could watch these 'protesters' in action. I always carry a whistle on my keychain, so I told my husband if any shouting starts, I would blow that whistle until everyone became quiet, then I would smile and leave the room. I know that my two Republican Senators (Bailey Hutchison and Cornyn) won't get harassed or shouted at during their meetings, but I'm sure the buses from out of town and out of state would be rolling in to San Antonio if there were a Townhall meeting with Democrats, and I'd Love to be there...


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I'm getting me one of these.TellerSun, August 09, 2009 11:08:38
I called her my Mariposa on the phone today! And yes,PeggySun, August 09, 2009 11:26:29

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