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Date Posted: 23:35:10 08/26/05 Fri
Author: Nina
Subject: She glanced up to him and offered something of a forsed smile, letting out a sigh and shrugging as she let her gaze flicker over him and then out tot he ocean once more, stretching out her long legs. The latina's large honey hued eyes locked onto the ripple of an incoming wave and saw it right through to her feet. "Kinda. I get so clostrophobic there sometimes. Crazy after the bars and cells at juvi." She smirked a touch, though it clearly wasn't all that was bothering her- but how could she admit to the most dangerous truth of all? If he showed no inclination tot he feelings she was experiance - she wasn;t going to make a fool out of herself.
In reply to: Nina 's message, "
I don’t wanna be lonely no more,
I don’t wanna have to pay for this,
I don’t want to know the lover at my door,
It’s just another heartache on my list
on 23:05:11 08/26/05 Fri

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  • He let out a soft breath, his eyes going over the ocean before he looked back to her. "Yeah, it gets pretty hectic at home, I'll be the first to admit that." He shrugged a touch, running his hand absently over his blonde hair before he looked back over to her. "You've been pretty quiet lately, you alright?" he questioned, his brow furrowed a bit as he looked down at her. He worried about her with her mood swings and whatnot, she could be incredable sweet one moment and a little hell fire the next... (NT) -- Jackie, 23:39:27 08/26/05 Fri

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