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Date Posted: Thu, Dec 15 2005, 12:12am PST
Author: Shay
Subject: She frowned a little, her green eyes running over his face as she sighed again. "Honey, there's nothing freakish about you, not in the least." She murmured softly, her brow furrowed as she pressed a soft kiss to his chin gently. "I love everything about you, you know that and this is just another part of you that makes you who you are. It's something you've always had, you've always been super observent about things and you've managed to deal with it your whole life so the only thing thats really going to change is that its going to be easier to deal with now then it was before, thats all." She stated firmly, not taking anymore pity parties from him but not being harsh either, she was just telling how it was in her mind.
In reply to: Shay 's message, "
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
on Wed, Dec 14 2005, 11:25pm PST

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  • (He hooked his fingers into her necklace and pulled her close to kiss her softly, thanking her for being there for him. When he released her he smiled, that sheepish little boy smile he had.) You have a way of making me look at things the other way, Shaylin.. (He said softly, not missing the fact that she had used the 'L' word in his terms.) I love everything about you too.. (He said in a tender tone, letting go of her necklace to run a hand down her arm as his father came in to let them know they could go home now. Remy stood and put an arm around Shay.) Let's get out of here. (NT) -- REmy, Thu, Dec 15 2005, 12:16am PST

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