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Date Posted: Sun, Apr 30 2006, 7:00pm PDT
Author: Quin
Subject: (He knew as soon as Nick opened his mouth that he had stressed himself to what was probably a breaking point now that he was so dangerously close to further brain damage.) Nick.. calm down. (He said after cringing at the loud echoing bang in the waiting room. He held up a hand when a nurse went to call a security guard, smiling apologetically as he walked over to put his hands on Nick's shoulders.) Whatever it is we'll get it all worked out.. I am sure they will be fine and you need to calm down right now. (He looked over his shoulder at Kate, pleading with her for some help.. he didnt have much experience with this sort of thing.)
In reply to: Nick 's message, "
I found what I needed on the seashores of old mexico
on Sun, Apr 30 2006, 6:40pm PDT

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  • inside -- Nick/Kate, Sun, Apr 30 2006, 7:12pm PDT
  • (Unlike earlier, when he had been so calm and collected and had been able to help Nick through his episode, he wasn't sure what to do now. He knew that his son would need more than just a brave face and calm words.. he needed his mother to hold him and tell him it would be alright. He chewed the corner of his lip in an unconscious and rare display of his confusion before walking over to the nurses station and getting some water for Nick. He came over to the sofa and sat down on Kate's other side, letting out a breath and just looking at his son. He had missed out on so much with him and now he ached to know more about this broken man before him.. he wanted to have the arrogant and self-assured Nick back and would move mountains to make it happen for him.) (NT) -- Quin, Sun, Apr 30 2006, 7:23pm PDT

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