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Date Posted: Sun, Apr 30 2006, 6:40pm PDT
Author: Nick
I found what I needed on the seashores of old mexico

He had been pretty paniced when, before his parents could even stop by, the baby's heart monitor had started beating wildly and then slowed dramatically. He had nearly freaked out but tried, to little avail, to be calm for Karlie. He had been whisked out of the room in no time, told to wait in the waiting room and now was pacing the floor, his hand over his face. She had seemed fine a moment ago, totally fine and then suddenly the baby was freaking out and she was still fine but the baby's heart monitor was going crazy and...he was just so confused. His head ache was starting to come back, he was starting to get overwhelmed, his sentenaces weren't coming out right and it was frustating him. All he could hope was that his parents would be there soon and sit with him to calm him down before his head just exploded. Was it possible for heads to just explode? Maybe he would be a first, they could write about him in medical journals and he could be famous. Wait, he was already famous. Damn, his thoughts were just moving to fast for him to control and it was making physically dizzy and sick to his stomach...

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