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Date Posted: Sun, Apr 30 2006, 10:26pm PDT
Author: Nick
Subject: He shrugged a little, looking out over the parkingly as he let out a soft breath, exhaling the smoke on it. "Can't say I'll do a whole lot..but I'll stick around." He stated, talking about he times his dad had taken off. His eyes moved back to his dad, clearing his throat a little bit. "Look, I know this is kind of awkward and I am not saying that we are going to have the perfect father son relationship or anything like that, cuz I really don't see that happening." He stated honestly. "But I mean...if we can get some mutual respect going at least, that would probably be a start." He shrugged a little. "It's not for me that I am bitter toward you for..." He smiled ruefully, looking over his shoulder to where his mother was sitting in the waiting room. "Someone's got to be pissed at you for her, you know? Cuz she's not and I never understood that."
In reply to: Nick 's message, "
I found what I needed on the seashores of old mexico
on Sun, Apr 30 2006, 6:40pm PDT

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  • (He had to fight back the defensive spirit that welled up inside him.. the need to fight back and defend himself against the shame and guilt he felt at knowing how his son viewed him. He wanted nothing more than the chance to prove to Nick that he could be a father to him.. a grandfather to the next generation as well.. but he would never be able to escape his past.) I am just as angry wth myself for distancing myself from you as I am for what I did to Kate.. and trust me I dont understand why she stuck with me either, Nick. (He ran a hand back through his hair, for once looking a little less than the impenetrable fortress he usually was.) I have a lot of regrets in my life, but being your father is not, nor will ever be, one of them. (NT) -- Quin, Sun, Apr 30 2006, 10:35pm PDT

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