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Date Posted: Sun, Apr 30 2006, 10:57pm PDT
Author: Quin
Subject: (He nodded, though he wasn't so sure Nick's words would take away the guilt he felt over that day.. he had had a chance to handle the situation better and he hadn;t.) I was so mad that day that I could see myself in you. (He admitted, since it seemed they were both in for admitting things at the moment.) I thought if I got mad enough at you you would want to be different than me.. I'm sorry for that. (He looked up as a streak of lightning flashed across the sky in the distance.. another storm was coming in.) When you were in the hospital I had a lot of time to look back over things.. and now that I have things under control.. with.. (He gestured to his head, meaning the suppressants the army had had him on so that he wouldnt remember the details surrounding his breakdown.) .. I guess what I am trying to say is that things are going to be a lot different between all of us from now on.
In reply to: Nick 's message, "
I found what I needed on the seashores of old mexico
on Sun, Apr 30 2006, 6:40pm PDT

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  • He took another long hit off the smoke before he looked back to his father finally at his last words. "Yeah? Mom's looked kinda happier the past few weeks..." He stated, he obviously had lived being very concerned for his mother for quite some time - he was definitely protective of her to say the least. "Shay's not really getting any better...been trying to get her to go out and make some friends at school, you know? That kid, he screwed her up pretty bad...problem with getting into a relationship so young I guess." He looked back to the doors of the hospital, sighing softly. He just wanted to be home, with Karlie, curled up in his obnoxiously large bed, comfortable and resting. Instead, he was standing outside of a hospital while who knew what was going on with his kid with some cold rain misting over him. Great. (NT) -- Nick, Mon, May 01 2006, 9:14pm PDT

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