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Date Posted: Mon, May 01 2006, 9:32pm PDT
Author: Quin
Subject: (He too took a long drag off the cigarette he had before dropping it and toeing it out on the pavement, watching the orange cherry die on the ground before slowly exhaling and thinking about things.) I think through all of it your mom saw the good in me, even when I didn't... I'm damn lucky to have her, and I intend on spending the rest of my life making it up to her. (He laughed a little.) I couldn't have a prettier ass to spend the rest of my life kissing. (He teased, shoving his hands into his pockets so that his thumbs were the only thing showing.) I don't understand what happened there.. seemed like everything was going so good and then suddenly that McLean kid was gone.. (He looked over at Nick and then back at the cars again.) You're a good brother, she needs that right now.
In reply to: Nick 's message, "
I found what I needed on the seashores of old mexico
on Sun, Apr 30 2006, 6:40pm PDT

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  • He shrugged a little at his compliment. "She's a good kid...just fell to fast, to hard, to young. I wish she'd just let her herself meet someone else, I think that would help her take her mind off of him." The conversation was good for him, taking his mind off of Karlie and the baby and allowing his brain to just relax from over taxing itself so many times. "I bet Brooke and Josh are going to have a bunch of kids, never thought I would say it but she's the domestic one in this family these days...I can't see Shay ever wanting to settle down with a kid...she's to into all this politics stuff..." (NT) -- Nick, Mon, May 01 2006, 10:01pm PDT

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