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Subject: recovering

Eternal Serenity
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Date Posted: 17:56:36 04/02/02 Tue
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "*Smiles*" on 18:27:50 03/31/02 Sun

:.. Dual splashed brood becomes a bit more stable on her feet, being able to withstand longer periods of time without laying down to rest. Her thoughts travel off to her days of beauty and fortune, her days of youth and strength. She thought of the Little Miss who cared deeply for her and took care of her every need. Oh how she loved sailing over those jumps with Little Miss aboard. Though she was of a towering height of 17h the petite girl had no fear of the giant, however that was untrue of the elders of the place. Soft snort of pleasure is givin in her thoughts. So this was the reason splashed fatale of extraordinary lineage was sold to the man sited upon the scene of her arrival here at CF. Life was not so easy with this horrid creature. 'Twas very little did fatale receive feed and hardly ever was she released from her rancid stall. Dial tosses. Beatings of unknown reason were often endured it was said to 'break' unruly self from unrulyness to manners. Ahhhh.....but of course this did not work. Only caused more unrulyness, and a dire fear of ALL human creatures. Fatale became aggressive and no trainer could be placed upon her back. Served them right. All she longed for was the company of Little Miss. Thoughts fade and a light squeal emittes in uneasyness. Restless was starting to be apparent. Yes, it would happen again, fatale would be cooped up day and night. However at least there was ruffage to survive on givin by the one known as 'Sarah' still trust could not be givin.

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